Chapter 15

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It had been 9 minutes since Kobe and Donkey waited for Shrek to come back from the dragon's keep eventually he did. They saw him return and he was holding a handkerchief on his hand.

" This is the favour Fiona was supposed to give me on the day we met." Shrek told the cat and donkey and they both looked surprised when they saw the handkerchief.

" It's a symbol of our love." Shrek said before he pushed the hankie towards in front of Donkey's face saying " Now smell it!" Kobe got disgusted when the ogre told the donkey to smell it.

" Hey, man, get that dirty favour out of my face!" Donkey winced.

" Your nose is the only chance I have of tracking down my wife, so stop complaining and start smelling." Shrek said as he waved the handkerchief in front of Donkey.

" Do I look like a bloodhound to you? In case you haven't noticed, I'm a donkey, not a dog! If I was a dog, they'd call me Dog, not Donkey! And another thing..." Donkey cut himself off as he started sniffing the handkerchief.

" Wait a minute. I think I got something." Donkey told the ogre and cat before sniffing the air some more, walking around a bit.

" Whatever it is, it's sweet." Donkey said which made Kobe raise a brow at what he just said.

" Fiona." Shrek said in amazement.

" Luscious and tasty." Donkey said which caused Shrek to frown saying " Hey! That's my wife you're talking about."

" I don't think it's your wife he's talking about, Shrek." Kobe told the ogre before Donkey abruptly rose his head up, and dashed off into the forest.

" Donkey!" Shrek called out as the mule started sniffing the ground in the forest like a bloodhound, and to his surprise and happiness, he saw an unguarded plate of stacked waffles coated in syrup sitting on a stump.

" Yeah! Waffles! And I thought the Waffle Fairy was just a bedtime story." Donkey said with excitement before rushing up to the plate.

" Sticky stacks of golden, syrupy deliciousness." Donkey said as he was about to lick the syrup from the waffles.

" Donkey! Don't eat that!" Shrek yelled out as Donkey stopped and frowned.

" There's a stack of freshly made waffles of the forest." Shrek said before asking " Don't you find that a wee bit suspicious?" Donkey only gave an " I don't know" kind of mumble before trying to take a little nibble of the waffles.

" Donkey stop! It wouldn't make any sense for someone to just leave a plate of waffles in a forest outside, so obviously it could be a trap!" Kobe tried to warn the donkey but he didn't listen and tried to take a nibble on the waffles while Shrek protested against it. Shrek kept telling Donkey not to even dare touch one waffle but he extended his tongue out and licked the dripping syrup of the waffles.

" You did." Shrek sighed.

" Idiot!" Kobe muttered to herself while facepalming to what Donkey just did.

Then, without warning, the plate flung the waffles onto a tree. Donkey now believed Kobe when she said it was a trap and he said " Uh oh." before the stump flipped open a lid and looked at the hole, rather confused because it didn't seem like an effective trap to him.

However that was not the full trap. Shrek and Kobe glanced around and saw hidden pulleys and counterweights turning, and then a log came swinging out to the direction of the three.

" Look out!" Shrek yelled out as he and Kobe ducked down but Donkey didn't duck in time as he got hit in the end by the log, sending him into the hole. The ogre and cat ran up to the hole with Shrek lifting the lid, seeing Donkey lying there.

" Donkey!" Kobe called out in worry.

" Donkey! Are you okay?" Shrek questioned the mule in worry.

" I'm fine." Donkey responded but then his hooves got snagged by a rope trap and he was yanked away, screaming.

" Donkey!" Both Shrek and Kobe yelled out in worry before they leaped into the tunnel and saw it led to a tunnel. Because it was small to walk through, he had to crawl through it while Kobe walked through since she's smaller.

" Help! Help me! Help, Shrek! Kobe, Help!" Donkey cried out in worry.

" Don't worry Donkey, we're coming!" Kobe called out, letting him know they're on their way. When she got out through the other end of the tunnel, she looked around with wide eyes at where she was. Shrek came out through the other end as well and pushed the roots out the way. When getting up, he was awestruck at where he and Kobe were.

The both of them were in some hidden with ogres like Shrek roaming about, carrying stuff and doing chores.

" Wow. I've never seen anything like this before." Kobe said in amazement.

" Neither did I." Shrek responded in amazement as well. They wandered around looking at the sights, making them grin a bit. A blacksmith ogre was sharpening a tool and a female ogre was carrying an anvil of sort. As Shrek and Kobe kept wandering, two ogres carrying a log were coming from behind them.

" Watch your head." Ogre #1 warned the two before Shrek ducked but Kobe didn't since she was too small to get hit by a log being carried by two ogres.

Then three ogres, including female one named Gretched, came around them.

" Hey, it's a new guy!" Ogre #2 said with excitement.

" Look at him, all dressed up in his Sunday vest." Ogre #3 said.

" He's really tiny, isn't he?" Gretched commented while asking the the other two ogres at the same time.

" Yeah." Ogre #2 responded before a slender ogre taller than Shrek, known as Brogan, came around the ogre and put his arm around him saying " Fate has delivered us a comrade-in-arms and for that, we are thankful."

" You are?" Kobe's voice asked which made the ogres look around confused to where the voice was coming from.

" Who said that?" Gretchen asked the other ogres.

" I did. I'm down here!" Kobe's voice said to the ogres as they looked down next to Shrek to see a small grey female cat with goth like clothes looking up at them in shyness.

" What is a cat doing down here?" Gretchen asked the other ogres as they all looked at her with raised eyebrows and Kobe began to whimper in nervousness.

" That's Kobe. She's my former cat." Shrek introduced the other ogres to the nervous female cat who nodded her head in agreement.

" She sure is adorable." Gretchen said as she smiled and pet Kobe on the head, making her purr a bit.

" Alright, suit him up!" Brogan ordered the other ogres as they took Shrek get him suited up with Kobe following them.

" Let's go, Greenie." Ogre #3 said to Shrek.

" Now, wait a minute!" Shrek exclaimed before he was placed on an armor vest, along with some wrist bands, and a helmet.

Shrek Forever After (Aranea2020 Version) AKA Story continuation!Where stories live. Discover now