Chapter 24

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Dragon let out a huge roar and then started breathing fire. She stomped out and got ready to finish her prisoners as Rumpelstiltskin laughed heartlessly, enjoying the ogres' soon-to-be demise.

Then suddenly he and the witches heard a familiar voice singing from out of nowhere " 🎵Winter, Spring, summer or fall.🎵" They all gasped when they looked up at the big ball and saw Donkey at the top of it singing "🎵All you got to do is call, And I'll be there, yeah, yeah.🎵"

Dragon, who was nearing Shrek, turned her attention up to the ball.

" Donkey?" Shrek questioned with surprise.

" Don't forget Kobe!" Kobe called out as she slid down the rope before landing down to the ball next Donkey. In her hand was a large rope she found from the ceiling since she has to deal with the witches that kidnapped Max.

" And Puss!" Donkey responded before Puss slid down very slowly down the rope and this time, he was wearing his hat, cape and boots.

" In Boots!" Puss finished before he tap danced a bit on top of the ball and then from inside it, a humming noise was heard, to the witches' and Rumpelstiltskin's concern and he questioned " What?"

They all looked around to see where the noise was coming from, and then suddenly the new ball broke like a piñata and all the resistance ogres began flying out of it, yelling. The whole thing turned out to be the Trojan horse reenactment with the ogres using their shields to make it convincing.

All the witches started screaming as the ogres were chasing after them with their clubs and weapons, ready to clobber them. Brogan leaped out towards where Rumpelstiltskin was and made the dictator scream as he ran for it. Brogan rose his club and was ready to strike but one of the witches flew by on her broomstick, scooped up her master and took him to the higher balcony, dropping him there.

Rumpelstiltskin jumped onto the railing and looked down at the chaos in horror. Puss, Kobe and Donkey meanwhile saw Dragon returning her attention to the ogres, snarling like mad and ready to attack again, but Puss cut the rope of the platform he, Kobe and Donkey were on, sending them falling and screaming but they landed on Dragon's head and knocked her down.

Still watching, Rumpelstiltskin grumbled and growled " Get them! Get them witches!" So the witches on the balcony got out their pumpkin bombs and chucked them down to where all the resistance ogres were. They luckily saw the pumpkins about to be thrown and yelled " Incoming!" They all took their shields and blocked themselves with them and with the exploding pumpkin bouncing off and not blowing up one single ogre. The woozy Donkey got up on his legs.

" Donkey, woo her!" Shrek called out to the mule who questioned " Woo who?"

" You wife!" Shrek responded as he looked to see Dragon stomping behind the fear-stricken Donkey while growling. He timidly turned and screamed a bit. Donkey's fearful expression changed to a smooth charmer expression as he was trying his best to woo the reptile, who's anger began to fade, as if the charm was working. Donkey then gave a grin, and Dragon batted her eyelashes lovingly.

The two were about to kiss until Dragon's mouth opened wide around Donkey and he said " Uh oh. Before she chomped him up inside her mouth.

" DONKEY!!" Kobe screamed as she was shocked to what she witnessed.

Puss then leaped onto the dragon's spine, grabbed his sword and jabbed it right into the back which made the dragon roar and spit out Donkey, who was sent flying to the air and yelled out " Wahoo!" He hitched a ride onto a passing witches' broomstick.

" Call you!" Donkey called out to the dragon which made Kobe facepalm from down below. From above, Donkey said to the witch " We're in love."

" Good for you." The witch sarcastically responded.

Back below, Kobe looked above to see the same witches that took Max with them fly down towards her and they taunted " Well, well, well if it isn't the little scaredy-cat!" They laughed hysterically while Kobe looked up at them with an angry look on her face.

She paused for a second before she gave the witches a scheming smirk as she had an idea.

" Look out behind you!" Kobe yelled out while pointing them and they immediately turned around and asked " Where?" The female cat swung her rope around and she yelled out " Yee-haw!" As she threw her rope at one of the witches before the noose grabbed her by the neck and Kobe swung her around the room before she threw the witch so her rope to the wall. The other witches saw what happened and were going to attack but Kobe immediately grabbed the broom, that the witch fell out of, and began to swing the broom at the witches as if she was doing karate.

They were immediately stunned by how the female cat can take care of herself by fighting back and before they can fly back up, Kobe used the noose of her rope to grab another witch by the hips and she yanked the witch closer to the other witches, causing her to hit them like a baseball bat, sending them flying off their brooms as they hit the wall and fell down before they got injured.

" That was for Max!" Kobe yelled out to the witches in anger before she focused on Shrek, Fiona and Puss who were dealing with Dragon. The female cat ran right next to Shrek to see if he was alright.

Dragon spotted the fat cat and just as she tried to eat him, he leaped out the way and shouted with excitement. He rode her tail, which she swished around like mad and she hit a wall where Shrek and Kobe were before they both ducked in time. Then Dragon flicked the screeching fat cat off her tail and Fiona caught him in her arms. Fiona gasped as she knew Dragon was coming for them so she turned away,  got ready for the blow and the dragon exhaled the breath of flame from her mouth.

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