Part IV

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Lucien's POV:

I sip on my daily cup of coffee as I sit around the dining table listening to the agonizing silence coming from my brothers.

My eyes went from Stephen my younger brother to Mateo my older brother. I looked back and forth between the two of them as they exchanged heated glances back and forth at each other across the table. They both fell silent after a shouting match erupted a few minutes ago between the two of them.

Great they managed to ruin breakfast again

First, they call me over here at seven in the morning to make them breakfast. Now they made the food look sad with their bickering.

The silence went on for a few more awkward moments until Stephen spoke up.

"Why do you feel so entitled all the time?"

He spat sending a cold hard glare at Mateo as he gripped his fork with one hand and the next one tangled in his dark brown hair.

"Relax the both of you" I groaned it was already 8 am and they managed to make my beignets less enjoyable.


They snapped their heads in my direction as I saw looks of aggravation on their faces.

A few moments passed and neither of them said a word. I had to say a silent prayer in 'thank you'.

Why would I argue when I'm still hungry?

It's 8 am and I'm still tired, I have no energy to argue with these two ass wipes.

I love my brothers but I can't stand it when they open their mouths to argue. It's so annoying especially when it's over the business.

Stephen is usually relaxed he's mostly studying or organizing files for Mateo or Dad. He starts college in a week and majoring in Finance. He chose to go to Binghamton College of Business. A little bit of a drive but it fits his persona he's always loved learning about the different aspects of business. Always was and still is the most creative out of all of us when we were younger he would get paint on his glasses from painting on the walls causing them to have to be replaced six times. Now he's 18 and still always needs new glasses but he's not the excited paint splashing boy anymore. The work in the day, gym in the night kind of guy.

Mateo was the complete opposite of cool, calm, and relaxed. He's the more intelligent one out of the three of us. He has the greatest sense of direction, ever since we were kids he was always the one in charge. People usually get scared of him but he's not cold as he looks his 6'4 height with his muscular build, and the scar over his left eyebrow usually intimidates people. Always comforted and protected us growing up hence the scar. Wouldn't describe him as mean just more boss-like than brotherly. The real definition of there's a time for everything person. What he needs is a break from work and to stop trying to live up to the Castillo legacy. In the end, he's a family man he always says it's important for him to work hard so when he has his own family they'll have him to themselves at all times.

I feel bad for calling them ass wipes now

"Are you going to be at the ball?"

Mateo asked while raising an eyebrow at me. His deep voice broke me out of my sleep-deprived state.

"Yes are you?" I asked turning my attention to the pile of breakfast muffins placed in front of me.

I reached over and picked up one and the warmness radiated from it into my hands. He knew I had no choice but to go. I guess it was his attempt at bringing back peace to the room.

"I go every year as I'm required. You, however, do not and you need to go" He answered nonchalantly and I didn't bother to look up at him because I could feel him sending glares my way.

I did have to go every year like him but I chose not to. It resulted in him being burdened with my tasks every year. This year I'm being dragged to go by my mom and Mateo even if I said no they wouldn't have let me get away with it this time. Because of the expansion with STN I have to be there unless I have something extremely important to do and even then I have to run it by her or Mateo first.

I hate this shit

He mumbled something else but I just nodded my head in response to whatever he said because I didn't hear. I didn't care to listen to him any longer as I took a bite out of my muffin.

I wiped away the crumbs from off my lips as I heard the sound of heels clattering on the floor behind me get progressively louder. I was in the middle of enjoying my muffin when I felt a pair of lips come in contact with my cheek and a hand run through my hair.

I look up to see my mother smiling back at me as she walked around the dining table doing the same to both Stephen and Mateo.

"Good-morning boys"

She softly spoke as she walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a smoothie making her way to sit down alongside us at the table.

"Lucy, Steph you remembered what today is right?" She asked curiously while observing me and Stephen as if the two of us were gonna realize what she was talking about.

I hate those damn nicknames

"None of you can remember huh?"

"Lucien you're going with Stephen to the tour of his school today"

She stated as she kicked off her red bottoms and pulled out her laptop placing it in front of her while resting her fingers on the temples of her head.

"I still have to go?" Stephen groaned as he placed his head down on the table letting his arms hang to his side.

Mateo started laughing while getting up to leave as if this was the funniest thing he ever witnessed.


"Stop making fun of your brothers Teo" She warned as her brown eyes glanced between the three of us completely unaware of the arguing that took place a couple of minutes ago.

"Yes you have to go, and before you ask yes you have to go with him Lucy"

She answered while pointing her freshly manicured nails at the screen of her laptop.

I roll my eyes while standing up and putting all the plates and cups in the sink as she began typing on her computer taking occasional sips from her smoothie. I made sure to give my annual announcement of don't put shit else in the sink after I started washing stuff. I glance over at her and she looks so stress-free her smile has never faded while never having a wrinkle on her pale skin. There is no indication that she is 52 her hair doesn't have a single streak of grey in her long brown tresses. She's so relaxed as if she doesn't direct, own, and operate one of the largest companies in the world. Most people usually address her by a common nickname.

Madame CEO

I finished washing everything dreading going on this tour. Sighing remembering how long my college tour took when Mateo was forced to go with me. But mine was never this far, I still don't understand who wants to be awake by eight in the morning to walk around a big ass campus. Leave it up to Stephen to pick the farthest school from home known to mankind.

It's 8 am does he not like to sleep?

I dried my hands then grabbed my car keys and waved my mother goodbye. Knowing when I return she'll most likely be in the same spot I left her in just on business calls. I stand at the door waiting for Stephen to bring his big ass on so we can leave on time.

And they always complain I'm late

He finally decided he wasn't gonna be a log anymore and got up to leave but not before hugging mom while she reminded us to behave ourselves.

"Finally c'mon college boy"
I said as I opened the door for him and started walking out towards my car as we prepared for a 3-hour drive.

It's 8 am

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