Part VI

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Imani's POV:

"He didn't even show up"

I scoffed into the phone as my pen moved aggressively against my notebook writing down all the final details displayed on my laptop screen that Alejandra faxed over to me so STN can start their expansion.

Half of the documents were for my "partner" but I had to do this part for him so he can do his alleged board meeting tomorrow.

"Okay but tell me about the one that you said was hot" Nara vocalized from the other side of the phone.

"I said two" I responded playfully rolling my eyes. It was 8:00 pm and I was in my apartment working on my day off since someone was too swarmed to complete his budgeting spreadsheets he had three days to do.


I haven't even met the man yet and he can't even complete his work. Judging by how much harder this is going to be for me since I seem to be the only one to understand the point of my job. It's best if him and I are far apart.

Whoever the hell he is

"Imagine interacting with two pieces of man candy and not sharing with your best friend"

She joked which made me laugh a little bit. Of course, I wasn't going to hold back information from my best friend. I couldn't lie Stephen and that other man were so hot. I don't think I've seen a pair of hot men together and I was hoping it wouldn't be my last time either.

"You do have eye candy" I replied as I kept writing away the details of how organizing teams was gonna take place.

"And who would that be?"

That was all I heard from the other side of the phone before my call got interrupted by an unknown number calling.

I stared at the phone ringing in my hand contemplating if I should answer it or not. I placed it down on my desk next to my laptop.

I don't like shit like this

I chose to answer it and for a few seconds there is silence on the other end and I had to blink a couple of times to keep myself from getting annoyed.

"Hello?" A deep voice called out from the other side of the line.

"Hello? Who is this? Vince?" I asked with curiosity in my voice because it didn't sound like Vince but he like's to play on my phone too much. It could be Vince maybe he was drunk or his sisters finally held him hostage for not doing his work.

It would be deserved

"I'm not Vince"

The male voice spoke from the other side of the phone and I took a deep breath biting my lip. I played with the pen between my two fingers as I contemplated what question I should ask him next.

What questions do you ask when a stranger calls you?

"Okay, not Vince why are you calling me?" I asked awaiting his response. It was probably the most basic thing to ask but I hoped he'd give an answer.

"This information was emailed to you. Which I see you didn't read."

He chuckled and I rolled my eyes at his statement. I work in business I check it every day that is part of my job. I checked it this morning and nothing was in it.

Or was there?

No nothing was there I think

I still refuse to let a man tell me what I do and don't do

"Who are you to tell me that I don't?" I questioned as I pressed my lips together in frustration. For a stranger he was working my nerves a little too much.

"You would know to expect this phone call if you did."

He answered and I continued writing down information in my notebook as I didn't have all night to sit here and go back and forth with him.

Even if he was right I wouldn't admit that I would rather argue with him until my breathe runs out than admit I'm wrong.

Call me a bitch or whatever I think it's better to never let a man know he has a one up on you.

I'll do it again

"How do you do your job if you don't check your most useful resource? That's not a great quality of a leader" He said and I sighed in frustration taking my left hand tangling it in my braids as they flowed down to my arms.

The male species doesn't know how to show an ounce of kindness do they?

"You're an ass" I scoffed as I finished writing down the last of the details so I can go to sleep before I have to watch the sunrise.

"Insulting isn't helping your case of you being lazy"

He replied and I cannot believe I am on the phone with one of the most arrogant men to ever exist.

"How did you get my number?" I ask as I shake my head sitting back in my chair turning off my laptop.

"Who answers a random number?" He counters and I cannot stop the eye roll as I groaned at his infuriating questions. "And I said this information waits for you in your email that you still haven't checked. Clearly I am calling for something important not because I want to discuss the details of how each other's day went"

"If you stopped being an ass then fine"

"There's a fine line between being rude and being honest." He spoke and I held my bottom lip between my teeth out of frustration. "I don't need your honesty."

"I was giving a piece of advice for next time"

He added and I held a blank expression on my face. This is part they don't tell you about working in business. The men are A1 assholes.

"You can keep it" I spoke nonchalantly rolling my eyes.

"I'd rather share"

Hearing his response I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My patience is running low with this man.

What the actual fuck is wrong with this man?

"Anything else to share? Since it seems like something you're good at" I asked as I sat at my desk waiting for anything else he has to say. The temptation to hang up the phone was growing.

"I believe we have some important documents to discuss so let's get started. I don't want to delay our conversation any longer Ms.Marshall"

He answered and I realized it's going to be a long night with this man. "Of all people I get stuck working with you. You've been such a pleasure to work with so far"

I retorted as I got up pushing my chair under my desk taking my phone with me and made my way into my bedroom to pull out my planning boards. I was preparing myself for a long conversation with this man and it wasn't going to be an easy one.

"I appreciate the enthusiasm it's mutual" He scoffed with sarcasm laced in his voice and I mentally practiced how I'm going to strangle Vincenzo when I see him.

"You and him will get along great" my ass

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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