Chapter 28 -Decoding and Defence

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Eve had very less time on her hands now. Slughorn had invited her to half a dozen Slug Club Meetings, Sprout had given her at least a dozen essays to write, McGonagall had told her to write a whole presentation about Animagi for a flipped class(thank God she didn't have to research too much), and Professor Steward (DADA) had told them to write 3 rolls of parchment about Inferi. Eve didn't even have time to look at the code that Dumbledore had given her. She decided to deduce the night before their next meeting and went ahead with the rest of her homework.

Quidditch had also been giving her a rough time. Frank was always late, Wood and Smith constantly snogged while they were practicing and James and Sirius were always pulling pranks on the couple. What was very interesting though, was that Remus Lupin had gotten back his position as commentator, and Eve knew that Quidditch was going to be so much better now that Moony was back.

The next week rolled in, and it was already time for Eve to go meet Dumbledore. She took the piece of parchment next to her and held it up.



She immediately knew what she was looking at, and found her answer. She rushed to the Headmaster's office, and said the password, before knocking at the door and entering.

"Good Evening, Eve. Have you found the answer to what we will be learning today?" He said to her, his eyes on the piece of paper that Eve was holding in her hand.

"Torture Curse. That's what the paper says. Every number corresponds to a letter. That's what we'll be learning today," She said, breathing as much air as she can. She had come running to the Headmaster's office.

"Correct. Although, this code was quite easy to crack. The ones that I give to you as we progress through the year will be more difficult," He said.

"Yes, sir," she said.

"Shall we start with today's lesson?"

That night, Eve went back to her dorm to find a pale Sirius Black, James Potter and Lily Evans.

"What happened? Why are you pale, Sirius? And you two, did Lily trip and fall on you or something?" Eve asked them.

"W-we were just asked to join the Death Eaters," Sirius whispered and Eve let out a gasp.

"Y-you need to inform Dumbledore. They need to alert your families. You need to- come with me, all of you," she said and dragged them to the Headmaster's office.

"Professor, sorry to disturb you, but Lily, Sirius and James were asked to join the Death Eaters by Avery," she said, "You need to inform their parents, and keep them under the protection of the Order, especially Lily's parents. Also, Regulus, he already is-"

"Eve!" Sirius interrupted.

"Oh, please, Padfoot! Do you not love him? Voldemort doesn't give a damn about his followers. Only he can live forever, according to him, at least. You know that Regulus doesn't want to follow him! I'm sure Dumbledore can offer us a solution," she told him angrily.

"Eve, I would like to talk to Sirius, James and Lily alone," Dumbledore told her.

"Okay. Good night, Professor," she said. 

Lily and James were the first to enter the Common Room. They just had a little conversation about how their parents are being put under the protection of the Order. Later Sirius came back to Common Room, his face with a sad smile.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost control like that. He's your brother, not mine," Eve said.

"No, what you did was right. Dumbledore knows now. He's told me that Regulus has an advantage, and that advantage can change the outcome of the war. All I need to do is keep talking to him. I haven't been doing enough. Maybe we don't have to end up dying," Sirius said.

"Maybe not," she said with a smile.

"What would I do without you?" Sirius said, and Eve grinned at him, "Am I supposed to answer that question, or is it rhetorical-"

"You always ruin the moment, Tora," Sirius grumbled and sat down on the couch, and Eve shook with laughter before pulling him in for a deep kiss.

2 days later, Minerva McGonagall led many students to what was known to others as detention. Every order member had either disrespected, or pulled a prank on a teacher to get into detention with Minnie. She led them through the seventh floor corridor and into a huge classroom, fitted in with many books on defence against the dark arts, couches, mini figures to practice with, and a few dark creatures like boggarts.

That day, Minerva taught everyone how to do a Patronus Charm, and everyone was surprised at the amount of ease with which the Marauders, Lily, Marlene and Alice produced a Patronus. More gasps of delight and shock were heard as soon as people found out that Lily's Patronus was a doe and James' was a stag. Eve could have sworn that she saw Minnie and Flitwick exchanging a few Galleons. Lily and James were meant to be together.

But what came as a bigger shock was how Sirius' Patronus had changed. Instead of a large dog running out of the wand, there was a huge dragon, just like Eve's in it's place. Even Sirius was shocked for a minute, but he masked it quickly with a smirk. He whispered in Eve's ear, "Maybe it was because I was thinking about you."

A few minutes later, Marlene's voice was heard all over the room, "WHY DO YOU CARE THAT I BUY SLEAKEAZY'S POTION POTTER? GO AND FIND SOMEONE ELSE'S BUSINESS TO PUT YOUR NOSE INTO!" Eve and Sirius ran towards the origin of the commotion.

"You shouldn't buy it! That's all I'm saying! Padfoot, Tora, help me out here!"

Eve told Marlene what James actually meant, "He's saying that he'll get it for you, Mar. His dad owns the whole fricking company. It's basically free for him and he's willing to share."

"Yeah, that's what I meant," James said with a huff.

"Oh. Oh my God, I'm so sorry James. Oh no, NOW I feel guilty. I'm sorry-"

"It's okay. I have an unopened vial of the potion in my room. You can have it," James said coolly.

As soon as the lessons got over and the girls were back in their dorm, Lily turned to Eve and said, "That was a really sweet thing that James did today." Eve gasped dramatically.

"JAMES? Since when did you call Prongs 'James'? Whatever happened to arrogant toe-rag? Or even Potter with a stress on the P? Oh my god Lils, James is gonna be so excited-" she gasped again, "D-Do you- fancy him?" she asked and the other girls looked as though they were going to kill her if she didn't say 'yes'.

Lily turned redder than her hair and pulled the sheets over her head and muttered a small "Good Night" and falling straight to sleep, or so they thought. She was actually awake, thinking whether she could really fancy Potter. No, right? RIGHT?


A/N: Don't forget to vote, guys! And please comment.

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