A gooey silver substance came out of her opponent's card and onto the field.

So far so good.

It was still under what Luna had expected of Strings. But she was worried about that one card he had just drawn.

"But hold your horses, I also activate not one, but two Jam Breeding Machine!" Strings yelled as two circular, jet engine looking machines appeared on either side of him. "Each of these lets me summon a slime token every turn!"

And as the words left his mouth, two little ghost looking monsters made up of the same silver goo as the Revival Jam came out of their respective machines.

Crap, that's three already!

Strings started to laugh once again, too confidently, making Luna think that the card he had drawn was most likely Slifer. But he still had three cards in his hand. If he would-

"And lastly, I put card facedown!" Strings declared triumphantly.

No way. Could it be this easy?

Luna figured the facedown card was Jam Defender. But more importantly, Strings only had two cards left.

"My turn!" She yelled fiercely, trying not to give away her excitement as she drew a card. As luck would have it, it was yet another one of the cards she had added last minute.

Alright! Lava Golem!

"And I start by using my Delinquent Duo!" Luna let a smile slip. "By paying 1000 life points, you discard a card at random!"

The number on her life counter went down to 3000.

"No! My Infinite Cards!" Strings yelled.

How very anime villain of him to call out his cards.

"That's not all, Strings!" She yelled as she pointed her finger at him. "If you still have cards left, you discard one of your choosing. And since you only have one-"

Luna exaggerated a shrug with her best, innocent smile.

Strings looked at his single card and Luna thought his hand had trembled for a second. His face remained devoid of any expression, but a wail of anger escaped his mouth.

"You will pay for this!" Strings said as he put his lone card in the graveyard. "You-"

"I'm not done, weirdo!" Luna interrupted him, wondering if Marik was losing his shit wherever he was. "You might recognize this bad boy, Marik! I summon Lava Golem to your side of the field by tributing one of your slime tokens and your Revival Jam!"

A huge ball of lava formed on the field, engulfing one of the tokens and the Revival Jam as it grew arms and a head.

"And since it was tributed, your Revival Jam can't make its comeback! But lastly, I activate Power of the Guardians! And equip it to my Brave Neos! Whenever the monster, to which this is equipped, is involved in an attack, it gains 500 attack points. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. Neos, attack his last slime token!"

It didn't escape Luna's perception that her opponent's hand twitched. She had rendered his trap useless, gotten rid of both the Egyptian god and Revival Jam in one turn. It was only natural that Marik must be getting desperate. Brave Neos reared back his fist as he did so, a light shined and brought his attack points from the previous 2600 to 3100. And as Brave Neos landed his powerful punch, the slime token all but evaporated. Leaving Strings with 1400 health.

"That activates the effect of my Brave Neos! When it destroys a monster, I can draw another Neos Fusion from my deck!"

This was a bit of an overkill, the Neos Fusion that was already in her graveyard could keep her Neos safe just in case something happened. Slifer was dealt with and even if Strings were to be able to bring it back from the graveyard, he had no more cards in his hand. Luna just had to keep it safe and finish the duel. Every turn, the Lava Golem would take 500 damage off of Strings. She would just have to wait it out.

My Time in Battle City [Tales of Luna, Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now