Chapter 3

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"Jewel!" said the man behind her. She turned around and her eyes widened upon seeing a familiar face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Jewel, I apologize if I startled you but you have to be careful."

"Please stop mentioning my name and just tell me why you're here," Jewel said, desperate for his answer.

"But you're using that name now."

"I know Gilbert but nobody knows about it yet."

"Alright, I apologize for mentioning it. Well, your father sent out his men to search for you. I'm sure the first place that they will look out for is the airport."

"But why would he do that? I thought I'm already free the moment I agree to what he wants."

"Your father loves competition, don't ever forget that. The more you resist, the more he's willing to use his assets to hunt you down. Winner takes it all and he always wants to be the winner."

"I'm such a fool to believe his words!" Intense anger covered Jewel's body as she screamed. "I'll meet my mother first then I'll think of a plan to avoid his men."

"Calm down, Jewel! Don't make a scene! With the current situation, it's too dangerous. We don't want any media to get involved or it would be difficult for you to escape. As of now, go to the nearest terminal exit. My men are out there waiting for you. I have a plan."

"But my mum is waiting for me, Gilbert. I want to see her!" Jewel was breathing heavily as she searched her bag for her phone.

"I know. But you have to be safe first. Look at me, Jewel! Hey, listen! I'll go meet your mother and I'll also get your luggage. You'll be staying in one of my mountain lodge for now; you'll meet your mother there."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because you have no choice right now and you only have 20 minutes left to make a choice. Your safety first, it's a must."

"You know what Gilbert; I really hate it when someone can't stay out of anyone's business! I'm not asking for your help. What matters to me right now is my mother's safety."

"I'm not doing this for you, Jewel."

"So why would you risk your life to help me then?"

"It looks like someone couldn't stay out of anyone's business too. Just do what I say if you don't want Theodore's men to drag you back to The Base."

"I will keep you on track, Gilbert. If only my mum wasn't waiting for me. . ."

"Cut the crap, Jewel and GO! Go now, don't dare look back!"

Jewel ran while tears formed in the corner of her eyes. She went to the nearest exit while Gilbert went to the opposite direction. Her heart was racing inside her chest and knowing about the current situation, it made her weak on her knees. She couldn't believe that her father is searching for her after all the sacrifices and pain she has to go through. All she wanted was her freedom; she thought she was already free but she felt like an injured bird being lured back into the trap. She was hoping not to fall into the trap again. Her father has always been harsh on her. He was guiding and disciplining her at a young age; showing no mercy whenever she makes mistakes.

"Why do you have to lock me up, dad?" Little Jewel asked. "I'm scared, it's so dark in here and I'm all alone."

"Because I love you so much, my princess. You have to be here for a while. Daddy will open the door for you later."

"But what if there's a monster?"

"Gilbert will be outside; he will guard your door while you reflect on your mistakes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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