Chapter 35.

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Jasmine was sprinting down the street from Isak who was trying to take her candy away from her. She was laughing as Isak tackled her. Her rare laugh seemed to make other people laugh, people who went to school with her were smiling at the sight.

"Leave my candy alone you little wench." She yelled at him and he gave up. He was breathing heavy with his hands on his hips.

"You're to fast woman." He said and she smiled, the others caught up to them.

"No you're just out of shape." She said making him laugh. Everyone's attention turned to the sky.

They watched as the clouds were dark and they saw dark clouds swirling down from the sky. "Jasmine! Watch out!" Isak called at her as a blast was send towards one of the shops and Jasmine ducked. The dark mark was up in the sky, the clouds turned into a skull with a snake coming out of the mouth.

The black smoke racing through the sky turned to people, they had masks like the plague doctors. The people were in Black robes. Jasmine and Isak ran over to where Nate and the other boys were. Each of them began dodging and throwing curses and spells. Jasmine heard crying, she looked to see a child in the middle of the street. She ran into the streets infront of the child as the death eater as they call them selves cast the spell.

"Protego!" The spell was blocked and she disarmed the death eater.

She heard the boys shouting at her, the child was small and looked to be around 2. She picked the child up and ran over to the boys. The little girl was holding onto Jasmine for dear life as she dodged spells.

"Go Inside and hide." She told the girl, she nodded and ran inside.

"Jasmine we gotta go!" Avi yelled at her and she nodded. They began sprinting, but were cornered. Isak and Nate disappeared, they were split up in the large crowd. The death eaters started casting spells. There were muggleborns so the men decided to have some fun with them.

"Crucio!" The spell hit Jasmine, she cried out in pain and hit the ground. Her head hitting the concrete, her vision was blurred when she was hit by the spells.

"Protego." She muttered, she didn't have the energy to get all of them but tried. Before she casted the spell she heard the death eaters hit her friends.

"Avada Kedavra!" She watched through blurry eyes as Mitch fell to the ground next to her, she saw the life drain from his eyes. He seemed to just stare at her, she couldn't move. She forced her limbs to move, more like it was just her head. The only person left standing of her friends was Avi, he shouted expelliarmus but was cut off by the green light that flung him off his feet to the wall of the building. Jasmine watched his body slump down onto the ground.

"Avi!" She yelled, her voice cracking. Avi looked towards her and began trying to mutter things.

"I'm sorry Jazzy..."He began taking short breathes quickly, trying to grab oxygen. Avi could no longer feel his body before every thing went black. Tears were coming down Jasmine's face as she slowly stood up grabbing her bruised side. Blood running down the side of her face she looked at her dead friends.  The death eaters were laughing at her, mocking was more like it. Jasmine couldn't hold it in anymore, the tears came bursting through the gates and she felt to the ground screaming.

A power surge flooded from her body attacking the death eaters in a close range, other death eaters noticing this apparated away. People from the ministry had showed up, everyone knew that the ministry had been corrupted from the inside.

"Jasmine!" Isak yelled trying to find her in the crowd, he found her surrounded by their best friends' bodies. Mitch's head was on her lap, Nate walked up and pulled her to his chest. She screamed and kicked as he pulled her away from their bodies.

"It's my fault. They're dead because of me." She said, she tried pushing Nate away and began punching his chest. Nate pulled her in for a hug, the Hellfire Trio was sitting their on the concrete. Each of them bloodied and bruised inside and out. One of the ministry members came over to them asking questions.

Isak and Nate answering the questions, Jasmine wouldn't speak. She was staring at the ground when they were able to head back to the school. Isak and Nate both supporting her with and arm around her waist. They took a carriage with many other injured students to the castle. Everyone who had stayed at the castle quickly heard of the damage, it spread like wild fire. Everyone had noticed when a damaged Jasmine Evans came into the corridors that it wasn't good, Jasmine was the strongest and if not that she was one of the top on that list.

If she was injured then they knew it was bad. They watched as the older boys helped get her to the medical wing.
"Jasmine!" Remus came bursting into the wing. Sirius and James were right behind him, they saw Nate and Isak leaning against the wall.

"Isak! Nate! Is she okay?" The tall boy asked running up to the older ones.

"Physically she will be. Mentally I doubt it, I don't think any of us will be." Nate muttered, the boys furrowed their brows before they heard yelling.

"Don't touch me! Get your bloody hands off of me before I hex you!" They went to the curtain to see Jasmine struggling against one of the extra nurses from Saint Mungos.

"Jasmine." Remus whispered.

"Sorry but you can't be in here!" The nurse scolded them but Madame Pomfrey came in.

"Let the boys be in here, these 3 are her soulmates the other to are her brothers." The nurse nodded and Remus came over to her. The nurse was trying to take a look but Jasmine wouldn't have it, she wouldn't even let Pomfrey look at her.

"Jasmine calm down, you'll be okay." Remus shushed her but she didn't listen.

"We need to hold her down." The nurse said and the boys nodded, Remus sat behind the girl holding her arms folded to her chest.

"Love, it's alright, you're okay." He whispered in her ear and James and Sirius were holding down a leg each. After a few minutes of struggling the nurse gave her a sedation, something they used in the muggle world.

"The sedative will keep her asleep until she's done healing. I want you to stay there if she wakes up, she's got a powerful aura coming off of her." Nate elbowed Isak as he tried to stop laughing.

"Not the time for laughing."

"Sorry but she's got a powerful aura." They watched as Remus was laying his head on top of hers and his arms encasing her body.

"She's going to be okay Remus." Isak said comforting her soulmates.

"Just watch her. She's most likely going to be hit hard with her depression again." The boys furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why is that?" James asked.

"The boys were killed." The three froze and their faces drained of color as they took in the information.

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