Chapter 15.

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Little bit of TW

It was close to quidditch season and Jasmine had been working out a lot, she's been getting in peak shape for try outs. They rarely let women on the team, she was showering before the rest of her room mates got up. She was in the process of shaving her legs when she nicked herself. She watched as the blood ran down her legs, it healed over almost immediately. Jasmine's eyes widened and she looked at the healed cut, their was blood around it but the cut healed. She began cutting more in her thighs loving the burn that appeared, Jasmine didn't care. The cut healed immediately, she did the last cut and watched the blood go down the drain.

"Jasmine!" There was a banging on the door.

"What do you want!" She shouted back and heard a chuckle, she was guessing it was Severus. Somehow he found a way to come up to her dorm and annoy her.

"Get out or you'll be late for breakfast!" Jasmine groaned, she didn't like eating breakfast endless she was really hungry or working out. She opened the door, he stood their in his uniform and she flipped him off. She was holding the towel wrapped around her body when she went into the closet to look for some clothes. When she changed she was in black heeled combat boots, fishnets, a skirt, and the blouse with the tie and robe.

"Ready?" She nodded. Well apparently Severus is no longer friends with Lily because she chose James, he called her a filthy mudblood over it. She kind of deserves it.

"Can you let me wash your hair?" Jasmine asked him out of the blue as they were walking down the stairs.

"I do wash my hair?"

"With what, water?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yes." He mumbled and Jasmine's eyes went wide and she held back a laugh.

"I was joking Sev, you can use some of my hair products if you promise to do my Arithmacy homework." She smirked at him and he smirked.

"Deal." They shook hands and headed off on their way out of the Slytherin common room.

"Ms. Evans." She looked behind her at SlugHorn, "a word please?" She nodded at Severus telling him it was fine and to leave with out her.

"Did I do something wrong Professor?" He just shook his head leaving the girl confused.

"Professor Dumbledore thought it would be best if we gave you your own room." He said and she furrowed her brows.

"What do you mean?"

"Dumbledore is worried about you lashing out and hurting your dorm mates." Jasmine scoffed.

"Of course he doesn't trust me, he couldn't trust anyone that could be close to his power or maybe even more powerful." She was furious and unbeknown to her, her eyes had started to glow.

"Ms. Evans, please do try and calm down." She let out a frustrated sound clenching her fists, she marched out of the common room and headed towards the Great Hall. She walked through the large doors and headed over to her respective house.

"What did he want?" Severus asked her, she let out a huff as she piled food on her plate.

"He told me that Dumbledore suggested I get my own dorm room." Severus raised an eyebrow, he knew about her strong magic and whatnot.

"But why? It's not like you lash out?"

"Not yet at least, he's afraid I'll hurt my dorm mates." Jasmine was beyond frustrated and Bellatrix saw it in her face as soon as she walked over.

"Hello love." Bella said to her as she plopped down next to Jasmine. Bella got nothing but a grumble in return.

"Who shoved a stick up your arse this morning?" Severus snorted.

"If you only knew Bellatrix. A lot of people would like to shove their sticks up her arse." Jasmine choked on her water and smacked Severus.

"That's not funny, I'm reserved for if I ever find a true love." Jasmine said playing fake doe eyes.

"But seriously who shoved a stick up your arse?"

"Dumbledore and Slughorn." Bella and Narcissa knew about the power situation, they were her saving graces.

"What did he do?"

"He told her she needs to have her own room because she's too dangerous." Severus told her as he put a piece of Bacon in his mouth, Bellatrix scoffed.

"Of course he did. He's just afraid someone will be more powerful than him." Jasmine shrugged and got up, and grabbed her bag.

"I'm going to class, I have Arithmacy kill me now." She said as she walked out of the great, she stepped out and was pushed against the wall.

"You have something that belongs to me?" She looked at the person she didn't recognize.

"What would that be?" She asked, and he smirked.

"You owe me some money Lily." Jasmine scoffed.

"I'm not Lily Bitch."

"Then where is Lily?" He asked, Jasmine smirked at him.

"In the Great Hall, do you want me to get her for you?" He nodded and Jasmine walked into the hall and towards the Gryffindor table, she ignored the dirty looks she got from people.

"What are you doing here?" Lily asked as Jasmine walked up and took a spot next to Dorcas.

"Hello to you demon spawn, theirs a guy that wants to talk to you in the hall. You must not know him very well because he thought I was you." Every one looked at Lily and she let out and angry sigh, Jasmine smirked at how frustrated she was.

"I would say your more of the demon spawn." Jasmine laughed.

"You're funny, I'm more of the devil reincarnated. Toodles." She waved her fingers as she got up and walked out the door.

"She's in a mood." Remus said and the others looked at him. "What? She's never that happy." Little did he know the smile had dropped as soon as she turned around.

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