Part 23

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Flack back to JK POV

TH- bro where are you going.

JK- of course to save them.

(Notification came on my phone)

TH- to whom

I just stayed silent.

TH- I have a idea. You go with my half gang to Y/n and I will go with my half gang to other member. Everything is set and when I will give signal then only you will go in, rest in earpiece.

JK- ah! Thank you hyung.

I said while hugging him.

TH- you forgot we are one.

JK- ohh sorry.

TH- and listen don't you dare to call your gang they are betraying you.

JK- oh ok hyung.

With that we left the place and went in our ways. When I reached there I informed Tae hyung. He told me to hide my car which I did. And when he reach he gave me the signal and we went in. He told me that BG would already waiting for him there and he was right.

BG- you are here?

JK- where is she?

BG- inside 

He pointed one of the room I started walking towards the room and as accepted he shot me on my back. I fell on ground.

BG- you thought my game was so easy. You know how much I suffered to rule over the chair you are sitting, huh? The mark you are seeing on face is because of that and you thought I will go easy on you. Joen jungkook I am BG the master.

He said while turning around. And now it was my turn. I shot him on his knees. And instantly my gangs member came and point the guns on BG's gangs.

JK- and BG I am Joen jungkook the mafia king and your dad in these games. So don't underestimate me.

And with that I shot his head.

TH- Jungkook other members are safe

He said in earpiece.

JK- hyung Y/n is also safe.

And with that I went in the room to only saw my baby sitting in the corner with blood on her face and some coming out of her mouth. I ran to her and opend the ropes on her hand and legs.

JK- baby are you ok?

Y/n- I am ok but why did you came saved me I told you to save them not me Jungkook. They were with you from starting. Why did you betray them like this?

While she was talking I picked her up and took her to car and kept her on my laps while the gangs people where driving to hospital. She fainted in my arms where I kept trying to wake her up. I told Tae hyung to come with other members to hospital. When I reached hospital I asked for a doctor and she was taken to operation theater.

Present time. Y/n pov

Jm- we all are alive just because of him.

Y/n- thank you oppa.

TH- I was my turn to thanks you all which you all did for me. Forgave me and never made me give up.

Dad- all thanks to you all, my daughter is safe.

YG- no Mr lee we are sorry because of us she is in hospital.

Dad- no——

HS- ah! Mr lee come we should talk out side

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