Part 19

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?- ehm?

We heard a voice. I thought it was Jungkook but he was also looking at me with a confused face and then we sawed on our side. It was Ryujin and Taehyung oppa. We parted.

Taehyung- what are you guys doing?

Ryujin- is this your another secret place.\?

Taehyung- but we are so clever Ryujin that we caught them here.

Ryujin- I know right?

They high fives each other and her Jungkook and I were all red.

Y/n- ohh a-nd w-hat about you huh? Both were in the same room. What about that?

I was stuttering, of course, I will but have to give the answer of rock from brick right?

JK- and what with those laughs and fives huh?

Y/n- the love in the air jungkook.

JK- yes baby. They have it in air and we have it in the lungs.

Ryujin and taehyung- baby!!!!

Ok, now I am done giving answers.

Y/n- okay bye I have to eat breakfast right.

I went running to the dining table and sat on the seat which I got first and sigh in relief.

Y/n- good morning everyone.

All- good morning.

Y/n- do you need help mom?

Mom- no no you sit.

And finally, Taehyung, unnie and Jungkook entered the dining room. Unnie sat in front of with Taehyung oppa where Jungkook sat some where else. Mom and the maid served the food. While eating I got a light hit on my right elbow to only found Yoongi oppa there.

Y//n- ohh oppa do you need something?

Yoongi- no no I wanted to say sorry for yes—-

Y/n- no no oppa it's fine. It was not your intention. It's ok.

We had our breakfast and it was finally time for dessert. I served everyone. I was giving some to Taehyung oppa

Y/n- oppa here you go.

TH- oh Y/n my tummy is full I can't eat more.

Y/n- please oppa for me.

TH- oh no no—-

SJ- it doesn't have coffee in it it's cocoa powder.

TH- ohh ok.

I got confused because I don't know what does coffee has to do with dessert so I wiggled my eyebrows towards Ryujin as a sign "what does he mean" she gave me to action which means "he doesn't like coffee". I was really shocked to see that they still remember.

Y/n- guys I was thinking of going somewhere. What do you all say?

All- sure

Mom- I can't join you guys I have some work so you all guys have fun.

Sojin- eomma what about me?

Mom-you can join them if you promise to behave nicely.

Sojin- I promise. But who—-

Y/n- I will take care of Sojin.

Mom- ok

Th- I have to leave—-

Y/n- no oppa you are coming with us.

TH- no no——

I saw Ryujin unnie putting her hand on his with pleading eyes.

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