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Rose was waiting in the lobby of JYP entertainment.

Dressed in formal clothes it was surprising to the staff.

At the company to see a big star like her dressed in such.

Formal liked clothing.

Soon the eight member group came out with smiles.

On their faces as they saw Rose.

Jihyo the leader greeted Rose with a bubbly smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you" she said lowering her head.

In order to bow and greet Rose in the traditional korean way.

"Nice to meet you too I've been looking forward to this day".

Rose said excitedly.

The girls went chatted for a while in the front lobby.

Finally Rose got to the reason why she had payed them a.

Visit that day. "So you want our help?".

Rose nodded. "Yes I heard you were very skilled".

"When it comes to these type of things I'll pay you double".

The eight membered group exchanged glances.

With each other unsure of weather to take up the offer.

Or not indeed it was true they were very skilled in these type.

Of situation but what Rose was asking for was big.

Something that would take time and professional skills to do.

But Rose was someone they had looked up to for a long time.

Since she debuted and they never stoped loving her.

No matter what the rumor was they always supported her.

"Okay we'll do it" Jihyo said finally with a descent.

Smile on her face the other girls nodded in agreement.

Rose was happy and grateful that the girls had decided to help.

Her with this task. "Thank you so much".

After a while of discussing the roles that each member had.

Rose left the company with a smirk on her face.

The day she had decided to give Jimin some space.

She had went to visit her mom after the little conversation.

She had with Jin after he confessed his lies.

She was flabbergasted to find out the only person she had trusted.

For the longest time had lied to her not once but twice.

But no matter what she could not have turned her back on him.

After all he was the one who helped her find her mother.

And helped her escape from her abusive father.

The day she visited her mom her mother had finally told her.

Everything about her father and the Kim family.

And then Jungkook came up it was hard to believe at first.

But after a while of processing it everything had finally.

Made sense not only was her stepmother a criminal.

But she was also a spy working for someone that went by the.

Name "Namjoon" it was a pretty cool name.

But that person had ruined her family and the relationship.

With her father she lost her brother and her mother.

And it was all his fault the urge to take revenge filled her soul.

But she didn't want to mess up Jimin's plan so she decided.

To help him instead after all he had helped her once as well.

She didn't like being in debt to people so it was the least.

She could do after what her father had did to his family.

He betrayed and stole their business after all they had done.

For him on her way back to her house.

Rose had spotted someone at a coffee shop.

The person looked oddly familiar but she still couldn't make it out.

She was sitting down across from Jin he had a hurt expression.

On his face as he listened to the girl Rose began to get curious.

'Could that be his girlfriend'? She thought.

Pressing down on the gas she sped up and drove off.

Leaving the two to talk at the coffee shop.

"Angel mommy's home!" She called out.

Setting down her car key on the table next to the door.

While closing the door behind her suddenly she heard.

The footsteps of the four year old boy who had came.

Running towards her with an excited smile on her face.

"Mommy!!" He yelled jumping into her arms.

Rose smile and held Angel in her arms caressing his.

Soft silky black locks that he got from his father.

Angel had her naturally dark brown eyes.

It seemed to be the only feature he had of her everything else.

Was Jimin sometimes when she stared it him for too long.

She pictured Jimin in her mind she wasn't at all.

Bothered by it though both her partner and son were two.

Very handsome people that she loved very much.

"Did you miss me?" She asked.

Angel only hummed baring his head into the crook of her neck.

Rose giggled and walked into the living room while holding the.

Small boy Rose found Chanyeol in the living room one floor.

Busy as he picked up Angel's toys that were scattered all over the.

Place Rose sighed when she saw the mess before her.

"Angel what did I tell you about leaving your toys out?".

"Go clean them up" she told him patting his pack lightly.

But Angel didn't move.

"Angel" Rose called in a threatening tone.

Finally the boy had went down to pick up his toys.

While Rose and Chanyeol went into the kitchen.

"Would you like some water?.

Chanyeol nodded taking a seat in one of the stools.

Rose grabbed a cup from the cabinet she took the water.

Pitcher and poured out some lemon flavored water.

And handed it to Chanyeol.

"Sorry that you had to clean up all his toys" Rose apologized.

"It's alright he's just a kid he doesn't know better".

Rose rolled her eyes she knew he was just saying that because.

He didn't want to make her feel bad but she already did.

"Stop doing that I know you don't mean it" she warned.

Chanyeol just chuckled and drank his water.

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