plant coven head hcs pt1.

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( hey guys !! I never forgot about this book but with no new episodes to go off of, I couldn't really write anymore, I'm so excited to be able to do this again you all have no idea lol )

( also I'm aware her name is Terra Snapdragon so I'll refer to her as such once or twice, however most people know her as the plant coven head so I'll refer to her as that in the title )

- She had an unhealthy obsession with breakfast bars when she was a teenager. It got so bad to the point where the main store she shopped at would send her a box of their shipments weekly. As she grew older, the obsession died down a lot, however you will still catch her walking around the Emperor's castle with a breakfast bar in her hand.

- She pretends that she hates salads because "Oh no!! I can't eat my plant babies!!" however she secretly loves them and hides that secret like her life depends on it.

- She takes on the role as a mother/grandmother figure in the Emperor's castle, specifically within members of her own plant coven, as she had mommy issues growing up and never wants anyone to feel as neglected and unloved as she did. Additionally, a lot of witches in the Emperor's castle need a stable parental figure as well (example A, Kikimora) so it just works out.

- She has a huge soft spot for children. One time, Emperor Belos assigned her a mission to eliminate someone due to suspicion of affiliating with a wild witch, but upon confronting her, she saw that she had a newborn baby in her hands. She asked whose that was, and she responded that it was her own. She took a deep breath and proceeded to inform her that Belos was after her and to hide, and if ever confronted about this, say she put up a darn good fight for the sake of her child. When she came back to the castle, she looked Belos straight in the eyes and said the girl put up a big fight, and so the mission failed.

- She either sleeps very light, or very heavily. There is no in-between. You will either wake her up with a single creak of the floorboard, or you can blast music into her eardrums and she still won't wake up.

- She had the biggest crush on a boy in potions when she was 15, he was even her Grom date. Unfortunately, he had to move shortly after, causing them to eventually lose contact. She still thinks of him every once in a while.

- She loves both slow jazz and really energetic hip-hop songs. One night, Kikimora woke up to a loud noise in Hunter's room. She went there in the hopes that he had betrayed the Emperor and befriended a wild witch or something of the sort. Instead, she found Terra and Hunter dancing to loud hip-hop songs with a cheap disco ball spinning in the background. Due to how much it annoyed Kiki, Terra and Hunter agreed that they should definitely do this again, so the same thing occurred less than 3 weeks later.

- Call this cliché, but she is incredible at making cookies. Everyone in the entire Emperor's Castle, even Belos himself, loves her cookies. However, she'll only make them on special occasions or when someone has gotten severely hurt. Steve has "accidentally" gotten hurt multiple times on missions just to get a taste of her cookies.

- If she went to the human realm, she would love Harvest Snap Pea Crisps. (search them up if you haven't had them before)

- Her favorite movie/TV show genre is comedy. However, she won't hesitate to watch a horror every once in a while.

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