raine whispers hcs pt2.

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- The Boiling Isles has their own version of ramen, and it's Raine's favorite food. If Luz was to ever bring Raine to the human realm and introduce Raine to "human" ramen, Raine would go nuts and eat like 5 bowls.

- Since everyone on the Boiling Isles has Penstagram, Raine does too but doesn't use it a lot. However, they do follow a bunch of hashtags for cute animals/beasts and posts photos of nice sunsets.

- Speaking of Penstagram, whenever Raine does end up taking a selfie, it's either the blurriest most awkward selfie you've ever seen or the absolute best. There's no inbetween.

- Raine loves spicy foods however they are very sensitive to them so whenever they eat spicy food they have to have a huge glass or even gallon of milk right next to them.

- Raine isn't the best at cooking however they are trying to learn. They spend a lot of their free time on the Boiling Isles' version of YouTube watching cooking videos.

- As well as Boiling Isles ramen, Raine loves pizza as well, but always manages to get messy from it. Darius even pointed it out once.
"Raine?" "Yes, Darius?" "How do you always manage to get yourself dirty while eating pizza? I swear, Eberwolf makes less of a mess on their clothes." "Awe Darius, I don't make that much of a mess." *Continues to drop a slice of pepperoni staining their sleeve.* "Raine, I stand corrected."

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