amity hcs pt1.

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(views at the time I'm writing this: 35)

- fall is her favorite time of year because she loves wearing long sleeves with skirts, sometimes accompanied by a scarf and boots

 - she has perfectionist issues which started when she was young and she got a C in one of her quizzes and while Alador tried to play it off, Odalia didn't and wasn't pleased. however, Edric and Emira interrupted and announced they both got A's on their quizzes and both Alador and Odalia were very happy and they got to get takeout of their choice. feeling unworthy, amity then declared that she would get the A next time. surely enough, on her next quiz, she got an A and got a present. ever since then, she's had extremely high expectations for herself.

 - although rare, sometimes Odalia and Alador will get into a really heated argument (as all parents/couples do) and Amity will immediately run upstairs and start studying because she believes if she does extra good at school the next day, they won't be mad at each other anymore. "it's worked multiple times before and it'll work again and again..."

 - Amity finds it really hard to study unless she's listening to music or has someone with her. so when studying or doing homework, she's always either having earbuds in or has Edric and/or Emira next to her. 

- she's always, and I mean always, the peacemaker to Edric and Emira's arguments. 

- she matured at a young age.

 - Grudby was her comfort sport. She'd always turns to it whenever she was sad, upset, or scared. 

- Amity always doodles in class while still managing to pay attention. Sometimes, teachers will see her doodling and will call her to answer a question, and she'll get it right every. single. time.

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