kikimora hcs pt1.

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- Kikimora would constantly insult video games, claiming they're a "mindless waste of time," before she actually decided to try one. Spoiler alert, she loved it and now she insults them a lot less since she plays some in her free time, although she'd never admit it.

- Continuing on from the video game hc, her favorite types of games are those that you get on the app store, such as Candy Crush (but a Boiling Isles version, of course).

- Kikimora loves that hand-dragon thing. She considers them her pet, and was absolutely petrified (get it?) and heartbroken when she didn't know what happened to them in Hunting Palismen. Thankfully for her, it doesn't take long to track down a ginormous hand creature.

- Kikimora never really paid much attention to Lilith as she never really saw her as a threat to take her position as Emperor Belos' favorite.

- Sometimes, Kikimora will be talking to Emperor Belos and having a nice time when all of a sudden Hunter bursts through the door and starts rambling to Belos about random things and this makes Kiki's blood boil.

- Bonus: Half of the time when Kikimora is talking to Emperor Belos in private, it's about gossip, mainly about coven members, whether it be in the Emperor's Coven or any of the other covens.

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