luz hcs pt1.

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(views as im typing this: 95)

- Luz loves any food with filling in it, such as whoopie pies and icecream sandwiches. Camila always bought icecream sandwiches at the store because no matter how many were in the fridge, she knew it was only a matter of time until Luz would eat them all.

- Although Luz loves all animes, she favors animes with both romance and adventure. She is a shipper, after all.

- Luz loves festivals/carnivals, basically anything with rides in them. Back at her home in Connecticut, they would have a yearly festival with the coolest rides and Luz would look forward to it every single year.

- Luz's favorite game is Minecraft. She would spend hours on a survival world creating a comfy little home with lots of pet animals.

- Speaking of Minecraft, Camila always played it with Luz when she got home. Luz has an account and so does she, so they always had fun on it together, it was their Mother-Daughter bonding time.

- Every year for back to school season, Camila would take Luz shopping and Luz would buy lots of markers and line-free notebooks, claiming it was for her to "write down notes" and "study with." However, Camila figured out after two school years that it was actually just for Luz's drawings as Luz would do all her actual studying on her phone, but Camila continued to pretend as if she had no idea.

the owl house headcannons !Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora