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There was an ire silence in the court after what Karna bhas said everything, no dare to speak. The atmosphere was as tense as they can be. Karna was standing there and he was glowing like minisun when anger brought out of him. The entire sabha was feeling the rise the temperature and his anger. No bady was able to retort anything, they were stupidly staring at him. Bheeshma was frowning not because of words of Karna but because the authority that he held in so much grace. He wasn't looking like king or mortal but emperor and divine being who was questioning a mere mortal. In his life time Bheeshma has seen various kings, late pandu himself was Samrat of Aaryavrat but he has never seen such authority in anyone. What Karna said was not false too he himself was thinking the competition was wrong but his nephew and king has given his approval so he remained silent he secretly was thinking mau be this was reason his mother has appointed Karna in the court. They need someone with strength and intelligence of Karna who can oppose the wrongs as he himself wasn't able to bound in his oaths to see his father's reflection in reigning King of Hastinapur.

Vidhur too was observing Karna only and guaging him in his measures, he was shocked when karna didn't outrightly supported Duryodhana but he wasn't pleased with how he was questioning Tatshree on equal terms though he might br his Gurubhrata but tatshree was elder too and words he spoke to Dronacharya was offensive to say the least as it raised questions on competence of kuru princes.

Kripacharya and Dronacharya was feeling too insulted by questions raised by Karna on Dronacharya. Kripacharya was one who had recommended drona as he was competent teacher and his brother in law. The anger and humiliation Dronacharya was feeling right in the moment was too astounding, he has not suggested competition it was decision of court and he accepted it but now was being called buisness man by petty Suta because of it. He wanted to curse him but he knew consequences would be not good for him only. This suta has too much support of divine being why he doesn't understand but doting that his Gurudev has on him was immense and suryanarayana himself considered him as son so he might be burner alive before he could curse him not only that his father support this Suta only so has Devi ganga. On top of that Saint vishwamitra himself would be kulguru of Kingdom of this Suta cursing him would lead to him lossing brahamtez and brutally killed after that. His arrogance wasn't allowing himself to consider him warrior above of himself even after his own defeat. One can deceive himself but fear imprinted on his soul of might of Suta was real. He has to live for his son according to him so he can't loose himself in anger but this suta has once again insulted him so his anger towards this abomination has increased only.

Dhritrashtra and Shakuni was worried but didn't say anything because they want Karna to favor Kauravas and what he said wasn't favourable or unfavorable to Duryodhana. Dhritrashtra was thinking may be war could be avoided after this but Shakuni was fuming internly at his failed manipulation. He was thinking to have competition and let Karna to go with Kauravas for assured win but Dronacharya has put up condition before he could say anything Karna himself has spoken. Now the situation wasn't totally unfavorable for Duryodhana so he kept quiet because he can prolong the yuvraj selection further.

The silence in court was finished by Ashwatthama who stood up.

Ashwatthama : Pitashree, what Mitra Karna is saying is absolutely right. I am not only your son but student too. As your student and son it is my responsibility to fulfill your pratigya and gurudhkhsina to defeat Drupad and also to become king the kingdom seems to be aware of capabilities of king so i too will participate. You can't ask only for kuru princes your gurudhkhsina as I have that right too. And Gurudhkhsina is sacred competition for thorne would malign this sacred occasion as you say it is your dakhshina and your all students have to give it unitedly.

Ashwatthama said this for several reasons. First he wants to salvage situation and reputation of his father, second to show his father his valour that he didn't need others to get what his father wants for him and third to stop his father from further embarrassment from his friend.

After words of Ashwatthama the life came back to Sabha. After a little discussion it was decided that all students of Dronacharya will go to war unitedly. Karna who after hearing Ashwatthama calmed down and sat in his seat. He spoke no further because it was wrong to interfere in Gurudhkhsina and war was inevitable because Dronacharya wasn't willing to budge from that. King Dhritrashtra announced the preparation of war.

After this discussion was time to give Karna the documents for land of Anga whic was prepared so it didn't took too much time. After this the court was adjourned. Everyone retired to think about what happened in court. Karna, Ashwatthama, Dhussan and Shakuni went to chamber of Duryodhana along with him.

Upon reaching there Duryodhana couldn't control his curiosity and asked what he wanted to.

Duryodhana : Mitra Karna why had you done that. Competition was Just fine.

Karna : No Mitra it wasn't and I did for three reasons which includes reducing chances to bring defeat to you.

Shakuni (intrigued) : Why you say so Maharaj Karna?

Dhussan : Why would we be defeated, Maharaj Karna.

Ashwatthama was also intrigued to know the reasons. They all inclusively look towards Karna.

Karna : What do you know about King Drupad or his army Or relationship between Hastinapur and panchal? What are your strategy to defeat him?

Ashwatthama : King Drupad was student of my grandfather Saint bhardwaj with my father.

Shakuni : Relationship between Hastinapur and panchal is bad since father of king drupad and Mahamahim had fight.

Duryodhana : What is need for strategy me and my brother are enough to defeat panchal.

Karna (sighed) : You all know too little. Let me tell you about these things. King Drupad is known for his chakravyuh do you or your brother know how to break it.

Duryodhana : No only Arjun and Ashwatthama know how to break chakravyuh.

Karna : So if you and your brother go you all will be defeated, there is no prominent Archer amongst you so it will nearly impossible for you all to defeat him. Even if you break his chakravyuh, Ashwatthama is right King Drupad is student of Saint bhardwaj mean he has gotten complete knowledge of revered sage who himself is pioneered in illusion. Do you know how to defeat illusion. Even Pandavas don't know how to break illusions. So you all need each other other wise you all will get captured.

Eyes of everyone widened after getting the information.

Ashwatthama : How did you know all this.

Karna : Mitra, you are forgetting your grandfather himself has given his all knowledge to me and one of my teacher is called chakshoo( divine eyes). Nothing is hidden from my guru Suryadev, I know not about Drupad but all the kings and mighty warrior of entire Aaryavrat. Knowledge is power remember my friend. This is my second reason.

Ashwatthama : It means you know how to defeat all kings of Aaryavrat Mitra.

Karna : Most not all, Dwarka is one kingdom which nobody could win till mahabali Balram and Dwarkadhish Krishna is there especially Dwarkadhish. My third reason is to give Ashwatthama equal opportunity to show his valour as it is his right and he will become king of you all win panchal war so his valour should be known and kingdom nearby should have fear and respect for him.

Everyone was amazed but Shakuni saw it as Karna defending Duryodhana because defeat of Kauravas was set in stone but Karna avoided it. If Pandavas won then Yudhishthir woul be Yuvraj and nothing could stop it. He was pleased with his own tragectory of thoughts. Ashwatthama, Duryodhana and Dhussan were impressed and scared of Karna.

Dhussan : Maharaj Karna then you could tell us how to defeat Drupad.

Karna : No Dhussan, I can't. I promised my Gurudev suryanarayana that I wouldn't share knowledge he shared with me. I merely shared what is widely known about king Drupad. I won't be able to directly tell you how to defeat him or his illusion as it is your gurudhkhsina but I can help Ashwatthama if he wants to revise how to break chakravyuh or help you all by spars. I will stay till you all leave for panchal war in one week after that I will leave for Anga.

Everyone nodded and expressed their thanks to Karna. Karna was provided guest chamber as hus family has already left Hastinapur. Karna has told them to let preparation start after lunch which all agreed to.

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