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Now the most awaited fight Archery duel begin. Bheeshma summoned his usual bow while Karna's armbands tuned into bow and quiver bith fighters started raining arrows rapidly on one another unlike with Drona or Arjun Karna and Bheeshma were simultaneously firing arrows and Karna was not holding back due to his boon from Bhagwan Parshuram his arrows has such speed and strength that it started pushing Bheeshma back soon both started firing divyastra at each other. Both fighters didn't gave inch to each other the divyastra they fired counterattack each other, soon Karna started showing his complete mastery over divyastra that ur learnt and perfected during his stay at suryalok and swarglok under guidance of various Devs. He started overwehlming Bheeshma.

Everyone present was shocked seeing the great Mahamahim Bheeshma being pushed into corners. The warrior were shocked and terrified while the archer among them were amazed and scared because they never had seen such use of divyastra. Karna was combining divyastra and combinations were much more terrifying and compatible then how they use not only that but he used same divyastra in several elaborate ways unseen by them in before and speed at which he chanted mantras or shot arrow was so quick that it is unbelievable. The speed and strength of arrows of both fighters were unprecedented especially of Karna's. Arjun, Ashwatthama even Dronacharya, kripacharya and Vidhur were shocked.

The battle went on for almost entire day but anyone can see it was Karna who was having upper hand, he was standing unscathed while there were some site along the arms and unarmoured pats of Bheeshma. Bheeshma himself was getting uneasy because he can see Karna was superior not only in using divyastra but in Archery itself. Some of his skills were seen by him only when he was battling bhagwan parshuram himself. Karna pushed himself to limits and fired and arrows one of which moved forward without encountering any other arrows and cut Bheeshma usual bow making him weaponless. Eyes of pop out of their skull seeing this, Nobody could believe this happening. Bheeshma was most shocked but he schooled his expression and Before Karna's pass even came to bind him he chanted mantras to his broken Bow and threw it which caused collision with coming paas. Bheeshma then raised his bow and summoned his divine bow Tarang which was given to him by his mother Ganga. And fight resumed armed with divine bow Bheeshma started fight with new vigour but despite of having divine bow he was only able to become on par with Karna, he knew though armbands of Karna was divine but not weapons made out of it otherwise his others weapons wouldn't be damaged or destroyed while dueling with normal weapons.

Seeing Bheeshma with a divine bow shocked and amazed the royals because now Bheeshma arrows were on par with Karna unlike before but kripacharya and Dronacharya were disturbed because they know that Bheeshma's bow helped his arrows to gain speed five times and strength of arrows too marginally increased so they were terrified that even with it he was just on par with Karna. Like Bheeshma they can see Karna's bow wasn't divine maybe stronger than normal bow but not divine and even with that he was on par of Bheeshma. The younger generation came to know about it when vidhur was explaining to Dhritrashtra and Ghandhari, hearing that their Pitamah is now armed with divine bow they became confident that he wouldn't lose which almost became true. Arjun was feeling mixed emotions that he was happy that his pitamah will show that sutputra his place but he was extremely sad knowing that his proclamation of being best archer became ruse and false. There were three present here who was better than him and a sutputra was included in that list oh how much he curse his existence right now but there was no denying to his capabilities. How much he wished that Karna was never born or better get killed here and now. He can accept being inferior to Gurudev and Pitamah but never to a sutputra never. Ashwatthama on the hand was observing the battle with utmost concentration to see whether he can pickup a thing or two. There is no denying that the battle going on for these day was masterclass for any warrior and if they don't learn a thing or two than it was waste of such opportunity and then there will be no difference between the warrior and commoners who was here just for excitement. He have paid attention to everything till now and he won't deny it was both eye-opening and helpful to see such fight between such great warrior. Truly those trained by Bhagwan Parshuram were amazing warrior, hearing praise of Mahamahim Bheeshma from his father was one thing but witnessing it was completely different and what can he say about the opponent of Mahamahim Bheeshma who was pushing Bheeshma in corners and forced him to bring out divine bow to fight on par. There were no words left to describe Karna from him, he just had respect for strength, skills and valour of Radhey Karna. First he defeated his father which has left bitter taste in him since from childhood his father wa his biggest reassurance but after his defeat strangely he felt free because now he will try improve himself and will Stop relying on his father for everything like he do. Begrudgingly he developed respect for a sutputra but seeing his battle with Gangaputr he truly respected such warrior. Rest Pandavas have feelings like Arjun even Yudhishthir and Kauravas had thoughts of Ashwatthama especially Duryodhana. Duryodhana was Witnessing everything and what impressed him most about Karna was not his valour or strength, not that it wasn't great but what struck him most was how Karna was self made man who went against the society and fought for what he deserves. He has immense respect for Karna for that only.

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