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Everyone was Shocked by everything happened in battlefield, citizens of Hastinapur couldn't believe that not only Dronacharya and great Gangaputr Bheeshma was defeated but entire army of Hastinapur along with all males on side of royals were defeated and what's even more shocking that reason behind all this happening were two people. Two sutputra children of Radha and Adhiratha. No words were left for then to describe everything has happened, the mighty royals and warrior who they have thought as their best protector were bound by cattle and sheep by just two people.

On the royals side everyone were also perplexed and fabbergasted first the backbone of Hastinapur was defeated then when soldier attack on Karna a divine Kavach appeared on him and not even scratch landed on that sutputra afterwards a bow which is undoubtedly divine was summoned by Karna whose mere twang not only scared them but render the entire army of Hastinapur uncouncious. When three people among them decided to kill that sutputra then another astra came and rendered their shot Brahamastra completely useless and then another shower of Astra happened which captured them in strong binding which couldn't be broken by mighty Bheem or Maharaj Dhritarashtra himself who were know for their physical strength and what was even unbelievable and unbearable that it was younger brother of Karna who shot this, now all of them were helpless infront of two Sutputra. Few people among royals were completely blown away first it was Kunti that has found out Karna was none other than her jyeshtha Putra which she had abondoned in river. Bheeshma was equally stunned seeing the Kavach of karna and valour of two brothers who has brought mighty Hastinapur on their knees. Dhritrashtra was struggling all he could to get free but wasn't able to.

Kripacharya and Vidhur were scared because this was situation they desperately wanted to avoid everything happened was like nightmare to them. Dronacharya was gritting his teeth that two Sutputra has raised weapons. Shakuni though bound was immensely happy because he can see he got two weapons against Hastinapur. The one shouted was his spy among the army who said so because Shakuni told him as he wants to have bad impression of Hastinapur among two brothers. He has already decided to get them on his side by hook or crook.

Females were scared of everything that has happened except one or two who may or may not be impressed by the set of brothers. Dushala though scared but in a corner of her heart she was impressed by shon of his valour but more so about the respect he held for his jyeshtha. Since shon came here she was attracted to his good looks. Subhadra who was guest of Hastinapur was impressed by Karna since Kala Pradarshan. She was impressed by the confidence he hold, how good looking he was and she has seen her strength in these 24 days.

Kauravas and Ashwatthama were struggling to remove the bind which seems to get tighter as they struggle so they have stopped on indication of Duryodhana. They were already amazed by Karna and knew his brother was warrior too just by looking at him but of such calibre they didn't know maybe he was student of Saint Vishwamitra like they thought when he came here with him. Last but not the least Pandavas who were trying to use all their might to be free, they are feeling shame which they thought wasn't possible since their defeat from Karna but now even his younger brother has defeated them along with other and render them helpless. Bheem and Arjun were one who was struggling the most with all the strength they could. Bheem became he thinks with his physical strength he could. Arjun because of another black spot on him as two brothers has left him helpless after nullifying his Brahamastra like toys. First he was uncouncious and on complete mercy of his opponent and even now he was feeling humiliated at being mercy of two brothers. He couldn't believe the younger brother of Karna not only disarmed him but was able to bound him also along with everyone. Pandavas were struggling hard, seeing their struggle even in such grave situation Kauravas especially Duryodhana couldn't his their amusement and were looking at them as source of entertainment forgetting they themselves were in same condition. Bheem became especially agitated seeing Duryodhana's cocky smirk as if laughing at his stupidity. He couldn't control himself he looked at shon and shouted.

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