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Devi Ganga : Well the solution is really simple and according to kshatriya Dharm which Kuruvansh boasts off so they themselves can't evade punishment not like they have much choice if they want Hastinapur to be safe. The punishment for offence of Bheem is he has to wash feet of Mohoday Adhiratha and Devi Radha and ask for apology to their family as he has insulted king father and Queen mother of Avant either this or he will be exiled according to do called code of conduct of Kshatriye. As for Hastinapur itself since both Putra Karna and shon didn't want it so Hastinapur has to give them part of land with a regal offering and make a coexisting alliance with Avant by placing Putra Karna as advisor in court of Hastinapur.

Karna : Mata, we are good with apology but what's with land of Hastinapur, after whatever happened today I don't think we even want a foot of Kingdom that dared to threaten our family. As for becoming part of awful politics of Hastinapur I am sorry I am not interested.

Devi Ganga : Putra, don't say this. I know I am being partial but Hastinapur is place where my husband has tried his best to make it prosperous and reign dharm here. It was this reason and wish of my late husband that I tried my best to let Bheeshma have best education and training as possible but he disappointed me which I am sure you wouldn't. Please Putra do it for your Mata if nothing else. It's last wish of my beloved help your mother to fulfill it.

Karna could do anything but couldn't disobey his loved ones.

Karna (sighed) : Fine Mata, but I won't be always present in Hastinapur as I have other obligations and Hastinapur politics is not in my priority.

Devi Ganga (smiled) : I am relieved by your words.

Each and every words of Devi Ganga was clearly heard by everyone present there. As she announced punishment fo Bheem every eyes were on Radha and Adhiratha. They were both uncomfortable by sudden attention drawn towards them because they were not used to being on focus but they know it can't be avoided. They had to leave their land after what happened if not for anything then for assurance of of their sons. No words were enough to describe the pride they had on Their children. Two of them brought whole Hastinapur on their knees and their valour was something unprecedented but what puffed their chest in pride was how divine beings were praising them to raise their children well so much so that Devi Ganga feels envious but doubt about whether they are worthy of such praise crept in their heart.

Royals were spell bound by the punishment given by Devi Ganga to Bheem and Hastinapur. The ladies were relieved that situation hasn't turned for worse but Kunti didn't feel so. Her son has to wash feet of petty Suta couple which will further damage the reputation of Pandavas and will bring even more negative light on them resulting in right of Yudhishthir being more unstable than it is. King Dhritrashtra has always hoped to see Duryodhana on throne and what ever transpired today or how five of her son lost to Karna would bring several questions regarding their abilities. Nobody would question their might as Karna has defeated Dronacharya and Bheeshma but questions about his credibility will be raised. Bheem's brashness will raise questions how could Yudhishthir control Kingdom when he can't control his younger brother. Moreover long trust of commoner's that Pandavas were their protector and future will be damaged to unprecedented degree. Not once she thought about Karna and his achievements but she was busy in thinking about rights of her legitimate children. Her expression were not unseen by Suryadev, Devi Ganga, saint vishvamitra or Bhagwan Parshuram but they were nothing but disappointed.

Vidhur and kripacharya were thinking along same line as Kunti but like other ladies they were glad worst hasn't happened and Devi Ganga wasn't very hard on Hastinapur. Dhritrashtra was happy keeping his crown. He too agreed that alliance and closeness is important with such warriors not only to save reputation of Hastinapur but because they no one should made enemies with such warriors. Shakuni was thinking how to utilise the opportunity presented here and he was thinking to bring Karna on his side by hook or crook, such exemplary warrior will be his strongest weapon in destroying Kuruvansh. Devi Ganga has done him favor to let him remain part of Hastinapur courts, he will do his best to manipulate him.

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