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Royals of Hastinapur along with aide of Hastinapur who were waiting for arrival of guests except Dhritrashtra and Ghandhari were amazed by beauty of Chariot along with looks of Karna and Shon who were standing at front of it. There was no one who can ignore their beauty. The royals were envious of Chariot during the day only but at night it's beauty looked otherworldly. Both Karna and Shon were looking so handsome that young females were busy in staring their beauty. Their asta ratni body. Broad chest, long arms, handsome and attractive face along with royal attire and matching ornaments which truly highlights their features. One looked like glowing like sun while other had glow of Twilight. Dushala was staring at shon while Subhadra was finding the elders radhey so attractive that she couldn't steer away her sight from him.

Karna, Shon and their parents along with Saint Vishwamitra climbed down the chariot and went to entrance of palace of Hastinapur. Of course they could feel the looks and gazes on them. Radha and Adhiratha were nervous, Karna and Shon came in front of them like they were sheilding them from it. Saint Vishwamitra were strolling casually. Karna and Shon too were climbing up without any problem or inhibitions. Their steps were as graceful as they show how truly trained and good warrior they are. Those with experienced eyes could clearly see how measured and authoritative the steps were. These steps were of king or someone with making if king who has deep confidence in them.

Dushala and Subhadra were looking with shy smile at upcoming brothers. It's not like they haven't seen good looking men before infact quite opposite, their brothers could be said one of most beautiful men in Aaryavrat. Nakul, Arjun, Balram and Krishna were considered as desirable men in entire Aaryavrat but it's valour along with respect that both brothers had for their parents attracted them towards them. Their gaze were not at all subtle like they believe it to be.

The family of Karna reached the entrance, Ghandhari the reigning queen of Hastinapur did aarti of them. Radha and Adhiratha were still nervous since they have never felt like this in their life. Being welcomed by royal clothes as not something they thought they ever to face and nervousness of being in complete strange and different situation were really taxing to both. But Karna took over when Dhritrashtra came forward and introduced to member present there from their side. Most of people were know to Karna and his family except the princess of Dwarka. The welcome was awkward as Dhritrashtra was showing courtesy as if they were really guests of Hastinapur and last 26 day tussle never happened. Karna to returned the favor and introduced his family and Saint Vishwamitra to everyone though this ceremony was completely unnecessary from both sides. Karna and his family knew about Royals and his family were hot topic in entire Hastinapur in last 26 days afterall who doesn't want or know about parents of Karna and Shon. The royal took blessings of Saint Vishwamitra.

Like this Karna's group was welcomed inside the palace and were taken to area where entrainment for guests were arranged. Radha was requested to join the ladies but she was already under pressure so shon elegantly said it wasn't neccecary he and his brother were away from her for long time so they can't bear seperation from their mother. His words were so eloquent that he said it without offending the royal etiquette not even master of words Shakuni could find fault in his way of speaking. The elders were once again impressed and slightly scared no wonder he was student of Saint Vishwamitra who taught Lord Ram and lakhman as lord lakshman even tried pacify bhagwan parshuram in Sita swamvar with his words. Shon was showed glimpse of his prowess in politics. Karna was proudly looking at his younger brother it was not he is bad at it afterall he got training for oration from Shanidev it's just he like straight forward talking inspite of going round and round. The Royals especially Dhritrashtra, Vidhur, Kripacharya and Bheeshma thought how difficult it will to persuade him to be in favor of Hastinapur.

The guest and host came to areas arranged for sitting. Two large chairs was arranged for kings and other seats for everyone else but a special arrangements were made for Saint Vishwamitra. Shon directly sat on side of throne leaving throne for his Jyeshtha. Adhiratha and Radha sat beside him. Karna shook his head at antics of his brothers. Pandavas who were trying to diminish their presence as much as they can so much so that it would be relief for them if everyone forget about their presence because the humiliation they were bearing since last 26 days. Especially Bheem got an opportunity to show these low born their place. He didn't waste any time and said.

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