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Karna immediately went and hugged his mother who reciprocated the hug. A tearful reunion happened between mother and son who was apart for a long time. Though she gave birth to shon but nobody could replace Karna for her, he was one who evoked motherhood in her. She still remember how her milk started flowing when she held him in her arms.

Radha : My son, you have grown so much. How are you Putra?

It was nothing but questions of mother to a son despite seeing the valour and strength of him, she still asked these questions. Karna too smiled feeling the concern of his mother. Though he had several mothers like Devi Sandhya, Devi chaya, Devi Ganga but nobody could take place of his Radha maa in his heart. His respect for her was deeper than ocean and higher than sky. He can't say he can understand how lonely she must have been, he had pampering and support of various people but his Radha maa was alone.

Karna (tearful eyes) : I am fine maa.

Both hugged each other for a while. Adhiratha patted head of his eldest with love and tears in his eyes. He remembered how his and Radha's life turned when Vasusen entered their life.

Saint Vishwamitra and Shon too came to the family and smiled. Radha and Karna parted.

Shon (mock hurt) : What mother, you still love Jyeshtha the most. See Gurudev, Pitashree the partiality mother has.

Saint Vishwamitra and Adhiratha chuckled. They know shon was trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Radha (playfully scolded) : Oh please shut up you Whining brat. How grown up you are but still a drama queen.

Karna who also laughed at his younger brother antics. He immediately touched feet of Saint Vishwamitra as he didn't till now.

Karna : Bless me, Rishiwar.

Saint Vishwamitra : Kalyan ho Vatsya.

Karna : I am greatfull that such revered teacher as yourself has trained my brother.

Saint Vishwamitra : There is no need to be grateful Vatsya Karna. I am glad I could teach a student like shon.

Karna (smiled) : How come my brother found you Rishiwar and convince you to be his teacher.

Saint Vishwamitra : All I can say is one word stubbornness.

Karna and his family was confused. They questionable expression turned towards Shon.

Shon : Gurudev how can say that. I impressed you by devotion. So what after meeting you for first time I followed you everywhere you can't deny I did all the chores.

Saint Vishwamitra raised his eyebrows at him.

Shon : Alright I accept I may or may not have asked you to accept me several times in between my chores but I have never disturbed you during meditation. I even prepared food for you so what if I asked several questions. I had accepted you as my teacher, it is right of student to ask questions.

Others were flabbergasted by Shon who has expression of proud and righteousness on his face, they couldn't believe how shameless he was describing his stubbornness as devotion. Adhiratha was shaking his head along with Karna. Radha was red in embarrassment, she immediately twisted ear of his younger son.

Radha : You fool son of mine, this is called stubbornness.

Shon : Maa leave na.

Karna : Maa, leave him what's done is done. There is no need for punishment for this my brother was being inquisitive.

Radha left his ears. Shon immediately went behind his elder brother for protection like he used to do in childhood. Looking at these two no one would believe they are ones who brought Hastinapur on its knees and here they were cowering at might of their mother where younger one was hiding behind his jyeshtha. Adhiratha was smiling seeing such behaviour something really can't change no matter how grown up his children Became. Saint Vishwamitra was amused by antics of his disciple

Radha (shook her head) : It's all because of you Karna. You have pampered him too much from childhood and why won't you say this afterall he has learnt stubbornness from you. Hey bhagwan what would I do with you two. Rishiwar I apologise for behaviour of my son.

Saint Vishwamitra (laughed) : There is no need for that Devi. There is nothing wrong in what both Karna and Shon said. I was impressed by Shon because of his stubbornness and will to not give up once he sets mind on something.

Shon smiled along with Karna.

Karna : Shon How did you meet maharishi.

Shon : I left Hastinapur in search of teacher like you jyeshtha. I one jungle I came across a fight in which Gurudev was easily destroying some asurs. At that moment I decided him as my teacher because he was giving opportunity to even Asur to leave without partiality so there is no way he would be partial towards human. At that time I didn't knew he was Brahamrishi Vishwamitra. I stuck to him when as I expected he didn't outrightly reject because of being a Suta. Then I pursuade  him to be my teacher.

Karna was glad his brother Wouldn't have to face heartless rejection, since he was child Karna has sheilded him from Harsh society. He knew his brother like him find joy in weapons than reign of Chariot so he took over limelight and became one that others scorn not his brother. He saw shon once more how a child who always run behind him and follow him has grown into fine young man. He was proud of his brother.

Karna : What about Avant kingdom?

Shon : It was my Gurudhkhsina brother. Avant naresh was mingling with asur and torturing the citizen. It was my Gurudhkhsina to single-handedly capture it and punish him and Asur he was collaborating with him.

Karna, Radha and Adhiratha was proud of him. Saint Vishwamitra was also proud and happy.

Shon : Bhrata, you have to be king of Avant.

Karna : No shon, I won't.

Shon was going to say something.

Karna : Listen to my dear brother. There are reasons first I have promised Mata ganga that I would part of Hastinapur court, if i become king it would mean Avant will be under Hastinapur. Second I want to use my skills for welfare of society. Third you have won it with your valour so it's your responsibility now.

Karna has said this seriously so shon has to begrudgingly agree. But saint vishvamitra decided to interrupt.

Saint Vishwamitra : Karna, while I agree with you in your first and last point but if you want to do welfare of society they you will need power alongside with valour. Why don't you do this make Anga independent kingdom and rule over it like this there will be only alliance with Hastinapur and you too will be given proper respect in court of Hastinapur and you won't be chained to Hastinapur. Avant and Anga shares border we will be immediate neighbors to other but one Kingdom I'm reality. Become a ruler and set an example of how dharm can flourish a kingdom.

Shon : Gurudev is right brother. You deserve to be king not an official under Hastinapur.

Karna thought about it and agreed. Adhiratha and Radha were quitely listening because it was not something they can give opinion on or understand. But they were proud that their sons were exactly opposite of royal who kills for their brothers for throne but their children were giving throne to each other.

Radha : Putron, since you have decided everything. Then let's go home, i have to go and prepare you all must be hungry and Rishiwar also hasn't eaten or rested. Rishiwar if you don't mind come to our home we want to serve you.

Saint Vishwamitra (smiled) : Why would I mind devi.

Adhiratha didn't bring any chariot with him. They reached early and these days it was others who helped him and Radha by sharing food with them out of respect or fear they don't know. Everyone started to leave but Karna stopped them. He summoned his divine Chariot and asked everyone to climb Karna was going to be Charioteer but Shon stopped him and too the Charioteer seat. Chariot was big enough for everyone. Since Shon had permission of Karna the horses didn't resist and with the near about speed of light the chariot left for house of Karna leaving streak behind it. Though it was as last chariot that left the battlefield but it soon surpassed the chariot of Royals. Everyone was amazed by beauty and speed of Chariot. Royals were surprised. Soon they reached house of Adhiratha.

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