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Parshuram, vishwamitra, Suryadev : Pranipat Devi Ganga.

Devi Ganga : Pranipat.

Karna and shon : Pranipat.

Devi Ganga : Kalyan ho.

Karna : What solution Mata and why have you came here.

Ganga twisted his ears,

Karna : Mata leave na, it's paining.

Ganga : You little liar, how could I not come entire trilok has heard twang of your bow. Devraj himself has sent me here to be the mediator. Who knew what would you do in your anger. You idiot son of mine.

Saying that she left his ears and smacked his blackhead playfully. Karna sheepishly rubbed his blackhead and stood embarrassed there. In swarglok Mata ganga was another woman from Suryadev family that showered him with love of mother. He too considered her as his mother.

Everyone was perplexed again no one could believe he was same mighty warrior who was second ago from destroying Hastinapur and same man was standing there like kid being caught stealing candy but none more flabbergasted than Bheeshma himself. If he wasn't bound he will surely rubbed his eyes, his mother never behaved like this with him and here she was casually berating Karna, First Karna has divine kundals and kavach, then he was student of Gurudev along with Suryanarayana and now even his own mother has called his son and have such relationships with him. Who is karna was his thoughts, not only Gurudevs given him his divine Vijaya bow which he didn't even used in his fights and yet he defeated him surely he was not ordinary.

Meanwhile Dronacharya who also knew about Vijaya bow was extremely disturbed because he too wanted to get it from Bhagwan Parshuram but was denied. He thought ‘this sut Putra has got my sword of ASI  and he is yielder of Vijaya too how is this possible? how is that a sut was getting all this? Why his father and even Gurudev, Suryadev and Mata Ganga was favouring this Suta. Not only that Saint Vishwamitra has taken his younger brother as student. Why suddenly divine being and revered sages breaking the norms of society and were especially benevolent towards these two low borns and not his favourite student Arjun.  Dronacharya was very angry and scared too. He knew he would be but of joke among Aaryavrat both as a teacher and warrior moreover the Brahman samaj too would bycot him all because of this sutputra. He has asked Eklavya's thumb to fulfill his promise to Arjun but another one came and was biggest obstacles to let his promise to his favourite student to become best archer, not only he defeated him but also  Mahamahim. Everything couldn't be remain hidden as it is out open for entire Hastinapur to see and soon entire Aaryavrat would know what happened. How after being defeated his own father Saint Bhardwaj too punished him instead of this Suta. He became angry but was helpless too. He vowed revenge in his heart.

Everyone else was getting shocks one after another from Karna all the revelation happening about him was terrifying and amazing at the same time. Commoner couldn't believe how Devi Ganga was ignoring Bheeshma her son was talking friendly to one who defeated him and even calling him son. They can see the love she had for Karna. Royals especially Dhritrashtra, Vidhur and kripacharya was scared since both shon and Karna summoned Astra and declared Hastinapur should be wiped out, thank God it was stopped by their teachers who was surprisingly Bhagwan Parshuram, Suryadev and saint vishvamitra. The ladies were tensed about everything, while males were scared. When Saint Vishwamitra talked about Karna and shon winning over entire Hastinapur they were afraid of what's going to happen and what's even more worrying that they can't find excuses or reason to Stop that especially if what saint vishvamitra said about shon winning over Avant and even if they want to find excuses they have to say it aloud in front of not only Saint Vishwamitra but Bhagwan Parshuram and Suryadev and they were not willing to gain anger them especially Bhagwan Parshuram. They were helplessly looking at situation and only hope was that both Karna and shon has rejected the throne of Hastinapur but intervention of Devi Ganga scared them once again. They thought she will speak for them but no it seems even she was closer to Karna more than Kuruvansh even Gangaputr was ignored by Devi Ganga who was playfully scolding Karna who has an embarrassed expression being scolded by her but it was not relief but matter of worry because it shows how close their relationship was and clearly thinking of her taking their side was close to zero and that thought is scary. They could do nothing but hope for best but one thing was sure Kuruvansh has never faced such humiliation.

Kauravas especially Duryodhana was shocked seeing not one but two people declined the throne that he has held so dear to his heart from his childhood. But both Karna and shon was declining that same throne like it was some plague and was cursed. He thought about it but couldn't find any reason for such behaviour, why would anyone decline Hastinapur it is afterall it is one of biggest and powerful kingdom of Aaryavrat. He was in deep thinking about it nothing else seems important enough to draw his attention except questions of why such immediate declination of becoming king.  Ashwatthama was equally shocked but it it was Pandavas that were feeling so humiliated and shamed that it knows no boundaries. They were defeated, their Gurudev was defeated even their pitamah was. Not only that but they were now at mercy of their enemy. Even right of Jyeshtha Pandavas were at stake now. They were scared very scared because they knew whatever has happened now was because of one of them and situation has spiraled out of their control.

With karna group.

The atmosphere of group was jovial but Bhagwan Parshuram broke it as he wants to leave from there for his meditation.

Bhagwan parshuram : What solution are you talking about Devi Ganga.

Ganga : Well first Putra Karna has fulfilled his Gurudhkhsina bhagwan aren't you happy.

Bhagwan parshuram (smiles) : Devi, I never doubted he couldn't after all he is my favourite and best student. He wasn't fighting at his full potential too otherwise fight wouldn't have dragged for 25 days for defeating Drona and Bheeshma. I am proud of him that he showed restrained expected of a warrior and was not the one to first use tridevaastra which has potential to wipe out Aaryavrat just to show his superiority.

His words were like slap to Bheeshma and Dronacharya.

Devi Ganga : Yes it is indeed matter of pride, you have taught Putra Karna well. I wish like him I should have sent Devrath to you only may be he wouldn't have became Bheeshma. I am not blaming his teachers, may be it was my failure that I couldn't raise him well as good human being. I wanted him to be powerful warrior but forgot he was motal and yet to free from his ripus. Oh how I wish I raised him differently or instead of knowledge I should have first taught him morals. His deeds with Devi Amba was my failure as mother.

Bheeshma was feeling someone has jobbed sharpest arrow through his heart. True his mother never talked him since what happened with Amba but listening the disappointment she holds in him was literally killing him if it was not of his oath to see dharm on throne of Hastinapur he would have called Yamdev to take him to narak as Swarg was where his beloved mother resides and he didn't have guts to face her after death too.

Bhagwan parshuram : You are giving me too much credit Devi and blaming yourself too much devi. I can train warrior only, morals is something parents of Karna gave him. May be this is reason tridevs prefer mortals because though they live short life but learn from it and pass on to next generation. Being immortal has its own vices Devi. One forgets trivial things living for so long and these trivial things becomes big reason mortal mold their life. Don't blame yourself Devi you are excellent mother, nobody can be perfect devi but never doubt yourself as mother. If you are failure then what am I who trained both Bheeshma and Drona. You are not a failure neither is me, they get everything in silver platter that's why they don't know its value and take precious knowledge given to them. If they have to struggle for everything like Putra Karna or Shon here then they might have valued it. As for morals it is given to Putra Karna by his parents.

Suryadev (proudly) : Satya Vachan Bhagwan. Mahoday Adhiratha and Devi Radha indeed has raised their children well.

Devi Ganga : I know Bhagwan, bhrahamrishi and Suryadev. Call me petty but I am jeolous of them.

Saint Vishwamitra : No, you are not petty Devi neither jeolous just envious and believe me. I too envy them.

Three of them was talking as if they are talking about weather but it was hash slap on royals especially Bheeshma and Dronacharya as their names was being called during conversation. Karna and shon was there smiling brightly as sun hearing praises of their parents and their upbringing. Anger they had was vanished in thin air. Radha and Adhiratha too were smiling and tears of hapiness were slipping from their eyes listening the praise of their son from such revered divine beings.

Saint Vishwamitra : Devi Ganga we again got side tracked please say the solution you have for the problem presented here.

Suryadev : Yes Devi Ganga please.

Devi Ganga : Well the solution is really simple and according to kshatriya Dharm which Kuruvansh boasts off so they themselves can't evade punishment not like they have much choice if they want Hastinapur to be safe. The punishment are....

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