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Family of Karna and sage Vishwamitra reached house. Radha immediately began preparing a food and sent some refreshments. While Adhiratha, Karna and shon were serving sage Vishwamitra. Soon the food came and they all served him. Sage Vishwamitra told them there is no need for this but Karna's parents were adamant so he reluctantly agreed. After food he left for meditation so that rest can have food. Radha fed both her son's with her own hands. After lunch the family sat together, Karna layed his head on his mother's lap while Shon's head was on Adhiratha lap. The family was conversing in between. Both shon and Karna shared their time with their teacher while their parents were listening everything while smiling and caressing their hair. The family spend time till sunset then Karna told them to be ready to go to palace and he will join them after Pooja. Adhiratha and Radha were hesitant to go but Karna and Shon were insistent to go because there someone has to apologise to them. The parents told there was no need for this but their children were adamant, they told them it was either that or Bheem's exile and they are doing the arogant prince by going there because one way or another they were going to make him pay that's was sure. Hearing that elder couple agreed. Devi Ganga was benevolent and sent the attire for entire family. Karna has also gave his parents the locket and necklace and made them swore on himself that they would always wear that, which Radha and Adhiratha did albeit hesitantly. Karna left home while Shon accompanied him for Suryapooja. Both of them returned to house after Pooja. They saw their father there.. Adhiratha told them that Radha was getting ready now and their clothes and ornaments were in their room. Both of them went to room to change. Soon they both changed and came out for n the regal clothes looking absolutely ravishing. Devi Ganga really went to another mile to chose clothes especially for Karna and Shon.

Karna wore a orange dhoti with yellow angavastra. His ornaments was completely made up of gold and his crown was of shape of sun and it has yellow gem on it which is exactly like mark on his forehead. Shon also had similar clothes with black dhoti and red angavastra. He has similar jwellery as Karna but his crown was different not only in shape but also the gem embedded in it was reddish orange like how the sky looks just as sun sat and darkness has yet to replace it. He also looked absolutely gorgeous. They both were good looking before but as the saying goes clothes defines a man. In the royals attire they both looked like they were born to rule. These clothes not only enhances their looks but also the aura around them. Their graceful and measured steps suddenly oozes authority and dignity now.

They both came out of the room and saw their parents and sage vishwamitra were already there. Saint Vishwamitra like before wearing a white clothes draped around his body a stick in his hands. He had gentle and approving smile on his face. Adhiratha was wearing a red dhoti and golden angavastra but he was not wearing any excess ornaments the only addition that he had in that was locket given by Devi Ganga. Like him Radha was wearing a red Saree but with minimum jwellery but still wore necklace given to her. The both looked elegant in the clothes. Both brothers were happy seeing their parents in royal attire.

Radha and Adhiratha too saw their son. Radha has tears in her eyes seeing how good her sons were looking. The clothes just matched them. It was like they were born for such and both of them looked comfortable in them unlike her and her husband. Both karna and Shon came to elders and touched their feet. Radha immediately hugged her son and put a mark of Kohl wiping it from her eyes behind their ears because of how handsome her son's were looking. Adhiratha and Saint Vishwamitra smiled and chuckled seeing this. Then then left the house of on the chariot of Karna. Since everyone was going to palace to be guest. Karna didn't allow Shon to be Charioteer instead he told the horse to go towards the palace. So under the astonishment of everyone in Suta community the chariot moved towards the palace of Hastinapur without any charioteer. Since it was already dark the chariot seems to be unnaturally glowing and with the help of glow the people in the chariot were clearly visible to everyone.

The beautiful Chariot with beautiful horses was amazing in itself, the people present in the path automatically gave space for it to pass but what caught eyes of people were two super handsome male on Chariot who were standing in front. The girl has their eyes glued on them while the males were envious of their beauty. Under the gaze and stare of everyone the chariot reached the palace of Hastinapur.

At the palace entire royal family was waiting for the family of Karna and Shon. Some were there out of curiosity, some unsurity, some begrudgingly and frustratingly but everyone was present there because it was order of Dhritarashtra.

Sometimes back.

Upon reaching the palace there were several sentiment going on everyone.  Dhritrashtra has immediately called all the servant and maids in the palace. He told them to prepare everything for feast and celebration. He then told everyone present there to remain in their best behaviour with guests as they were not someone with whom Hastinapur could provoke and alliance with them was of utmost importance. Vidhur, Kripacharya put their personal feelings aside and thought like men deserving their post agreed with him. They especially told them they could not do anything wrong and it would be best to show their sincerity, as not only Karna, Shon and their parents but Saint Vishwamitra the revered Guru of Lord Ram and Laxman who is guru of Shon as well is also coming. The ladies immediately perked up hearing this, Ghandhari because she didn't want anger of such revered Saint. Dushala because of mention of Shon. Kunti was because of same reason as Ghandhari as it was her children which were most probably will be centre of everything, she was also hating how such saint took a Suta as students.

Bheeshma was having blank face but anyone knew him could discern how heart broken he was because of words of Lord Parshuram and Devi Ganga. Bheeshma was keeping everything inside of him. His silence was obviously agreement that he shares with view of Dhritrashtra, Vidhur and kripacharya. He was internally thinking what mistakes he has done so that his mother and teacher was so disappointed in him. Was him keeping his oath was such mistake that such harshness was bestowed upon him by two of most close and respected person in his life. Hearing his mother saying she was failure as mother was like someone tore his chest and pulled his heart out and agreement of his guru Bhagwan Parshuram as him being nothing but disappointment as both warrior and son was like someone has rubbed Salt on his wounds. If her mother thinks that presence of Karna was for betterment of Hastinapur then who was he to object.

Kauravas didn't have opinions as they were curious about both brother and want to have atleast good impression with warrior of such skills. It was Pandavas who were gritting their teeth especially Bheem. Because they know punishment was inevitable. First they lost so pathetically and then they were bound which resulted in them being helpless. But what humiliated them the most that despite being Devputra Bheem with extension of him all the Pandavas was subjected to such punishment by none other than Devi Ganga. People might start questioning whether they are Devputra or not after today. Bheem was so close on going berserk but Yudhishthir was somehow controlling him so that he wouldn't again do foolishness t burst out in front of everyone but that was extremely hard seeing the smug expression of Duryodhana. Duryodhana wasn't saying anything but his smile was saying everything especially how cheerfully he was looking at Pandavas for first time since he met them. If someone saw him they will think how relationship he shares with his cousin.

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