Start from the beginning

I rubbed my temples, thinking of any further plans.

"Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin, prepare the weapons while Yoongi and I assemble the men for an ambush."

Everyone signalled a sign that they understood the instructions before leaving the room. All except of Yoongi.

"Are you all right?" He asked, sitting on top of the table.

"Why do you ask?" I questioned sitting beside him.

"Well we can't forget about the incident in the ballroom now, can we? I'm sorry about your mother. You know the family stuff." He sighed.

"Oh that.. We can discuss that at a later period. Right now our main focus is on saving Naina." I replied clicking my neck.

"But your mental health also matters, remember that.."

I closed my eyes.
He didn't killed my mother by himself..it wasn't his fault..

"Namjoon, do you know what was your mother's last wish?" Dad asked rubbing his tears.


"She said 'save Naina at any cost.. Even if it means to take Yong-Hae's life, I left.. I left Namjoon at his growth period for that.. It's my last wish, promise me.. Promise me you won't make me regret'." Dad replied clenching his fists and shutting his eyes tightly.

I couldn't control tears rolling down I crouched down and hit the ground. "I won't make you regret mom! I'll save her if even it takes my life!!" I cried.

"Joon? You're ok right?"

I opened my eyes to see Yoongi waving his hand infront of me. "Y-Yeah i'm ok." I blinked away the tears growing in my eyes.

"Anyways you reek of alcohol and smoke.. Wait don't tell me you drinked and smoked last night!?" He shouted standing up with his arms crossed brows furrowed.

"I couldn't help myself.. This situation is making my head pound as well as the family incident. I just wanted to ease some stress and worry." I responded.

"Well you better drop the cigarettes, that shit's gonna kill you before Yong-Hae does." Yoongi muttered.

"That is if Yong-Hae can even kill me." I sighed and Yoongi chuckled.

"Alright I'm going to need your help to negotiate with the men as well." I suggested and Yoongi slapped my back.

"I'm always here to help you ok? Don't go doing that stuff that you did yesterday, alright?" Yoongi smiled before exiting the room.

I smiled at his words then followed my way behind him.

Jungkook's POV

"Hey Jungkook, Taehyung! wait for me! Jimin called out from behind me.

We waited for him before the three of us went into the unlock weapons room.

" I can't believe that bastard managed to kidnap them right under our noses." Jimin scowled, scanning the guns that sat on the shelves.

"I know how you feel and that's why we're gonna kill that bastard and every single of them." Taehyung said, picking up a handgun and squeezed it, out of agitation.

"Fuck Yong-Hae and his men.." Only you can allow me to feel what I should feel.. If i'm feeling, it's because of you.. If i'm feeling happy, it's because of you.. Only you can make me happy, only you can make me feel sad.. I'll surround you with happiness. You deserve it, I'll make the universe pay for the pain you're going through.. I can't lose you. "I just want to save.. Both Naina and Seokjin." I groaned as I picked up an assault rifle and a M249 light machine gun. They'll feel what pain is..

"Get the ammunition ready. I'll go and clean out the guns." I said before exiting the room.

Naina's POV

My head was pounding as I gradually opened my eyes to adjust to a new surrounding.

"Are you awake Naina?" Someone whispered in a soft, hush tone.
Immediately, I recognised Seokjin's voice.

"Yeah, my head's hurting a bit more importantly where the fuck are we? Yong-Hae's chamber room?" I asked confusedly, looking around the surroundings we were in.

The room was lit with a faint dim glow which spread over the tearing walls. Weapons, from hammers to knife of all sorts were displayed proudly on the walls. Each hanging down, covered with red stains of what must be Yong-Hae's adversaries.

Most importantly we were inside a cell and there wasn't any sort of window or something for us to escape from.

"I can't believe I let him kidnap us.." I sighed before reaching my feet and taking out my pocket knife.

"Neither of us expected to be drugged, it's a given that we're still alive.. though from the looks of it, I suppose we ought to celebrate our last moments right now." Seokjin whispered as his body visibly trembled.

" Seokjin whispered as his body visibly trembled

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