Bonus chapter 2

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Abhi: Vaish, we have reached. 

Vaish: Which place is this? I can't see anything till far away. 

Abhi: You'll know, come. We have to walk further now.  

Vaish nodded and they got out. After sometime of walking they reached and she was surprised seeing where they are. 

Vaish: This fair. 

Abhi: I know its not a place for date but then what can be better than a place filled with memories. 

She hugged him with a huge smile. 

Vaish: This is the best place you could get me to. But the previous time we didn't come this way.

Abhi: Yeah, we entered this fair from the other side. But you said you wanted to come from this side once as it has the desert type look. 

Vaish: I had simply said it, how did you even remember it till now? 

Abhi: Lets go inside and meet her first. 

Vaish: Yeah. 

They went inside the fortune teller shop and the lady sitting there smiled seeing them. 

Abhinavi: Hello aunty. 

Lady: Hello children. You both came after so long. 

They smiled and talked with her for sometime. 

Vaish: Where is Arun? 

Lady: He is inside, I'll call him. ARUN. 

Arun came there confused. 

Arun: Yes maa. 

Lady: They are Abhishek bhaiya and Vaishnavi didi. 

Arun: Oh, hello didi, hello bhaiya. 

Abhi: Hello Arun. 

Vaish: Hello, you have grown so much. The last time we met you you were barely able to speak a word and had just learnt walking. 

Arun: You didn't come since so many years no. Maa always tells about you two. 

Lady: You both must be hungry, I'll make something. 

Abhi: No aunty its fine, you have to see the shop also no. Why are you taking trouble?

Lady: Not many people come here as these days no one believes in us fortune tellers. Even if they come its just to test us. And its not trouble, I was anyways going to make lunch for me and Arun also. You all come inside and sit. 

Abhinavi nodded, they all went inside and she went to kitchen as they continued talking with Arun. Sometime after lunch they went out into the shop. 

Vaish: We'll go now aunty. 

Lady: Hmm, come soon. Bye. 

Abhi: Bye aunty and yes we will. Bye Arun. 

Vaish: Bye aunty, bye Arun. 

Arun: By bhaiya, bye didi. 

They both came out and roamed around the fair watching all the different stalls, playing games, etc. 

Vaish: Abhi, see there, jumping bouncer. 

It was a very simple one, black in colour and no one was there on it, all were on the adjacent colourful one with a mickey mouse design. The person sitting next to it half asleep due to boredom. 

Abhi: You wanted to go on tora-tora right? 

Vaish: Yeah, we'll go after this. You love these right? 

Abhi: Ok, lets go then. 

The person stood up seeing them arriving. 

P: Good afternoon sir, good afternoon ma'am. 

Abhinavi: Good afternoon. 

Then Abhi went on it and was showing different gymnastic poses while jumping on it. Vaish was watching him laugh freely and smiled. Even that person was watching him, amazed and impressed. Then he jumped down after sometime and raised an eyebrow. 

Vaish: Your skills are still the same, do you keep practising gymnastics? 

Abhi: Not regularly, just sometimes. 

Vaish: Yeah and how can a monkey forget jumping around. 

Abhi: I'm not a monkey. 

Vaish just chuckled. 

Abhi: Bhaiya, since when have you set this here? 

P: Since 4 months. But no one comes here, or maybe just very few people. No one likes this plain one, but looks like you both do, and I can see why. You are good at gymnastics. 

Abhi: Thanks and even this type is needed. We may visit quite often so you have a customer ready to come anytime.  

P: Btw you both are a very cute couple. 

Abhinavi smiled. 

Abhinavi: Thanks. 

Then they went to tora-tora. After sometime they decided to return as they were tired and had to walk back to the car. They met the lady and Arun once again before leaving. They reached home to see all waiting, wanting to know about their date. 

Vaish: Let us freshen up and come, then we'll say. 

All nodded. Abhi came soon and then even Vaish joined. They told about their date to all and all appreciated it, they had not expected this kind of date and found it an amazing idea. 

Abhi: I think next time even you all can come? 

Vaish: Yeah. 

All agreed. 


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I hope you all liked the date, I couldn't think of anything much other than this so wrote this. In the next bonus chapter I'll be writing the past of everyone other than Abhi. And how they all met also.

Thank you.


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