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Abhi reached office but Robert hadn't come. He immediately sensed something was wrong. He called Sid and Jaan to his cabin after 10 minutes when Robert didn't come and his phone was switched off. He then called Avu. 

Avu: Hello. 

Hearing her tensed voice he understood even Daniel is missing. 

Abhi: Daniel isn't there right? 

Avu: Yeah, he was going somewhere, he even called me once, but since then his phone is switched off and I am feeling something is wrong. 

Abhi: You come to my office, soon. And be careful, cover your face before entering the office. 

Avu: Ok. 

He then turned to Sid and Jaan. 

Abhi: I know you both are confused, but I'll tell everything. Sid, can you go get Vaishnavi? 

Sid nodded and Abhi told him where Vaishu's cabin is. 

Abhi: Jaan, can you call Reem here? 

Jaan: Yeah. 

Jaan called her and asked her to come and be careful, with her face hidden. Abhi called Jai. 

Jai: Hello, who is this? 

Abhi: Jai, its me. 

Jai: Abhi? 

Abhi: Yeah, you can ask whatever you want later, right now just reach ASN industries. To the CEO's cabin, ask anyone, they'll lead you. Make sure your face is covered when you enter the office building. Come as soon as possible. 

Jai: Ok. 

He said sensing the situation. Soon Sidnavi came, Vaish confused as Abhi's face was still covered. Then Avu came there and immediately removed the scarf covering her face. 

Avu: Where are they? 

He gave her a look.

Abhi: Do you think I know? 

Reem came there and was confused as well. 

Vaish: Sir, why have you called everyone here? 

Avu: Di, you work here? 

Vaish: My company was going in loss so we collaborated. 

Avu: Oh. 

Lastly Jai came there. 

Jai: Where is Abhi? 

Abhi: I'm here. 

He said while removing his mask. Reem and Vaish were shocked. 

Avu: Abhi, Daniel had sent me some weird message, then his phone was switched off. 

Abhi: Show me. 

She gave her mobile and he read the message. 

Abhi: Its sent by Robert, he has this different way of writing he had shown me. It says he and Daniel have been kidnapped. He heard someone mention the name Karan Singh. And that he removed his mobile's sim card and Daniel has it in his shoe, so we can track them. 

Jai: I can track within few seconds, give me the number. 

Abhi: Yeah, it is... 

He said the number and as he said, he tracked their location within few seconds itself. 

Abhi: Jannat and Avneet, you both go. 

They both left. 

Sid: Dada, why those two? 

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