Sid's first day

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Daniel: What do you know about me then? 

He asked as he started driving back home. 

Avu: That you are a simple person who lives alone. You have a sister, but she doesn't live with you. You are gay. You are a self obsessed psychiatrist. And you are still single. 

Daniel: Wow, you found out so much about me so soon. 

Avu: How long does it take? 

She asked while uncovering her face as they are quiet far. She went to the back seat. 

Daniel: 2 hours. I suggest you sleep. Come in front again fast. 

Avu: Yeah coming. Wait. 

She said while keeping the saree in her bag, she was wearing a jeans top inside. She came front through between the seats and sat. She tied a cloth to cover her face. 

Daniel: Where are you planning to live? 

Avu: I'll search for a place. Till then I can live in a hotel. 

Daniel: Hotel? 

Avu: Yeah. 

Daniel: You can stay at my home also, I anyways live alone like you said. 

Avu: But how can I live there? It will be difficult for you. 

Daniel: If you want to come you can, there won't be any difficulty. 

Avu: Ok then. 

She said unsurely. 

Daniel: Stop thinking it is trouble for me, it's not. 

Avu: Ok fine. 

After 2 hours, 

Robert: We have reached. 

They took their bags and went to his flat. 

Daniel: Do you trust people easily? 

Avu: Who said I trust you? Just because I  am agreed to live with you doesn't mean I trust you. 

Daniel: Really? 

Avu: Yeah. I know if you do anything at all, I can easily escape from you. I'm a fighter. 

Daniel: Sure Ms. Fighter, come I'll show you your room. There are three rooms here, one is mine, one for my sister when she visits and the third one yours now onwards. 

Avu: Ok. 

They both went to their rooms. Avu didn't know that coming here, there will be more problems to face. This time it will be different. And Daniel didn't realized that his life was going to take a huge turn, a big storm is entering his life. In ASN Industries: 

Sid had met Jaan here. Right now all were busy in their work except Arhana. 

Arhana: Papa. 

Abhi: Hmm?

Arhana: You and Robin bhaiya are busy in work. 

Robert: It's Robert bhaiya. 

Arhana: No, Robin bhaiya. 

Robert: Ok you say what you were saying. 

Arhana: Yeah, so I was saying I'm getting bored here. Please let me go out no. 

Abhi: Arhana, you can't go out. Otherwise everyone outside will stop working and start looking at you. 

She pouted cutely while folding her hands making them chuckle. Robert turned back to his work. Meanwhile Abhi stood up and picked Arhana. He took her to the other room attached to their office and gave her few toys to play with. 

Abhi: You play with these then call me if you need anything. 

Arhana: Okie. 

He smiled and kissed her forehead before going back to work knowing she'll be engrossed for the next few hours. Outside after sometime it was break. Sid and Jaan were simply talking catching up when Sid felt someone looking at him since long and looked around and then he noticed someone who was looking at him. It was the person who had taken his interview only. 

Jaan: Sid, where are you seeing? 

Sid: Nowhere. 

He said while turning back to her. 

Jaan: Btw he is the PA here, the person who was looking at you. He must be looking for all the new people working here. 

Sid: Hmm. 

Robert: Excuse me. 

Sid: Yes? 

Robert: You joined today right? 

Sid: Yes. 

Robert: Your name? 

Sid: Siddharth Nigam. 

Robert: I hope its comfortable working here for you. 

Sid(smiled): Yeah it is. 

Robert smiled and went. 

Jaan: How's Reem? 

Sid: I didn't get to meet her much since many days, but Fais going to jail and the crimes said to be done by him are disturbing her a lot. Its like she is confused whether he did it or not. 

Jaan: Do you believe he did any of those? 

Sid: Truly speaking I don't believe any of it. But that doesn't matter, uncle aunty themselves believe he did. What about you? 

Jaan: I'm sure he didn't and am searching for the truth. But Fais feels he is guilty. I've been observing all the incidents and will soon find out everything. 

Sid: You met him? 

Jaan: Got myself arrested. Then I asked the person who gets me in jail to free my few hours later. I've done it twice. 

Sid: You are deeply in... 

Jaan: Don't say it. 

Sid: But why? 

Jaan: Just don't. It hurts. 

Sid: Ok, sorry. Anyways the break is about to finish. 

They had something before going back to work. 

Faisu's POV: 

Why is Janu investigating the case further when clearly I'm not innocent? All the proofs are against me, even mom dad believe I've done it. Why didn't they just give me a death sentence? And these stupid irritating people act like I'll kill them. But at least they don't bother me. 

POV ends. 

He rolled his eyes looking at the others while thinking the second last sentence. Meanwhile with Avu and Daniel. 

Daniel: Avni. 

Avu: Hmm? 

Daniel: My sister is coming here. 

Avu: Ok. 


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Excited for the chapter?

Who was the person who threatened Reem?

Why did Avu say Ari that she led Arhaan to suicide?

Will Jaan be able to find the truth of the case and free Fais?

Will Robert find out Sidshek are brothers? 

Will Abhi find out Sid is working under him?

Stay tuned

Meet you all in the next chapter. 

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