Sid meets the cliff

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Sid: But dada, you could have kept me with you or told someone, why did you suffer so much? 

Abhi: I was in depression, still am, I didn't even feel the need to stop everything happening, just kept giving in, following everything, forcing myself only. I am tired of these voices in my mind, of those panic attacks, of this hate I have for myself, of everything. I am too weak to even fight back mentally. 

Sid: You aren't weak. 

Abhi chuckled humorlessly, few more tears leaving his eyes without him even realizing. 

Abhi: Yeah sure. Even someone's care seems to be fake to me. Vaishu's love also feels to be purposeful now, a profit and loss game. Arhana's happiness feels like not my happiness but just a responsibility. I feel so useless and worthless. Hell, even living feels like a burden, which I want to end when Karan is gone from everyone's lives and you all are together again. 

Sid: Dada, please don't say like this. If you die, I'll also die. 

Abhi: I'm not a person worth living for. 

Sid: You are. You are the one who keeps me alive, without you I'm just a dead body. 

Abhi: Don't worry, you'll still have Avu , she'll keep you alive. 

Sid: I love Avu, but not more than you. You are the one I love the most. 

Abhi: Ok I'll live for you, but from inside I'm already dead chote. Anyways leave all that, don't worry, I'll not go anywhere. 

Sid's phone rang. He was about to cut it but Abhi took it from his hand and picked the call putting it on speaker. 

Daniel: Hello Sid, where are you and Abhi? 

Sid: We are at the office. 

Robert: We were so scared. Any of you could have at least called. That idiot is already not picking the calls. 

Abhi: My phone is on silent. And you both go to sleep, we may or may not return home. 

Daniel: Ok. 

They kept the call. 

Sid: You should change and come if you are planning on staying. 

Abhi: Yeah, I'll come in a minute. 

Abhi went to change. He returned in a t-shirt and sweat pants. 

Abhi: You know me well enough to know once I come to terrace I'll sleep here. 

Sid: Yeah. I got outfits to wear in morning also incase we don't wake up before any of the staff arrives. 

Abhi: I doubt we'll wake up late but good that you brought, we won't have to go home and come back. Other essentials are also there. 

Sid: Hmm. 

They both talked for sometime then fell asleep, not before covering the top. Next morning Sid woke up while cursing. 

Abhi: Not the greatest thing to do first in the morning. 

Sid: Dada, stop laughing. Who sets the alarm so high? And it's just 5. 

Abhi: My everyday waking up time is 5. And I need high volume so I can wake up after being passed out either by drinking or by tiredness. The day you and Arhana met my mobile was switched off so didn't ring and I was very tired so couldn't wake up on time. 

Sid: Hmm. 

Abhi: Let's go for a morning jog, I'll make you meet it also, it's quiet near to the office as its not too far from my previous house which wasn't that far from office. And I'm sure you won't feel jealous anymore after meeting it. 

Sid: You understood? 

He asked, not realizing Abhi was saying 'it', not him or her. 

Abhi: Of course, no one can understand you better than I do. 

Sid: Yet you wanted to leave me. Never speak of death ever again. 

Abhi: Ok, I won't. Lets go. 

Sid: Ok. 

After sometime they reached the cliff. 

Abhi: This cliff is the person I was talking about. 

Sid: Ohh. 

They both sat there as Sid looked at the valley with a river flowing through it below them. 

Abhi: Other than you only the cliff has seen my tears. When I come here I scream letting out my emotions and it echoes it. It hears everything. I love this place a lot. It's very beautiful and calm here. No one comes here, you are the second person to see this place I think. 

Sid smiled, no doubt Abhi loved this place, even he did. Soon they returned to the office and got ready. The smile Abhi had went away now, the happiness disappearing from his eyes. Sid saw it and became sad as well, but had nothing to say. He wanted to take away Abhi's pain but didn't know how to. 

Sid: Dada, others might understand, but what about Arhana, for her you are her father only right? I understand your fear, but she deserves at least some love from her father. 

Abhi: I'll try. 

Sid smiled then went out of the cabin to his place to work. Few of them had already come. They were surprised seeing him come out of Abhi's cabin this early and were staring him only in confusion. He rolled his eyes and glared  them so they turned back to their work. After few hours he heard some murmuring. First he ignored but then looked up from his work to see all looking at a girl whose eyes looked a bit teary but she was still focused on her work, ignoring everyone. But he could see she was getting disturbed a lot by the whispers about her. She caught his gaze on her and looked confused as he stood up. 


He said loud enough for everyone to hear. All stopped talking when another employee spoke up, wanting to create a scene for no reason.

E1: Why are you shutting everyone and supporting her? Like you know her. 

Sid: I don't bother replying to useless questions asked by useless bastards. 

He smiled at the employee sarcastically then continued his work after nodding at the girl who mouthed him a thank you. Few of the employees chuckled on his response.


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Excited for the chapter?

Will they be able to prove Faisu's innocence and free him?

What is Abhi suffering through?

Why did Abhi suddenly break up with Rini?

Who is 'she', because of whom Abhi is going through so much?

What will Sid do now?

I don't exactly know what depression is, but I feel depression is not about the person being sad all the time, he/she can be happy, laugh heartedly, but at times of being lonely physically, they feel very sad or angry and have some dark thoughts, which a person has during depression. So sorry if showing him happy when in depression is wrong in your view.

Stay tuned

Meet you all in the next chapter. 

Is it necessary for all to suffer?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora