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19 years later, 

Sm1: Is everything done? 

Sm2: Yes it is. 

Sm3: Sana, not everything, one thing is left. 

(Sm2 is Sana, Sidneet's daughter.)

Sana: What is it Avarth? 

( Sm3 is Avarth, Sidneet's son.)

Avarth: Abhinav, did Arhana didi put the glitter strips there? 

( Sm1 is Abhinav, Abhinavi's son.)

Abhinav: No, she is putting that only. She came, now lets hide. 

The 8 of them hid. ( The other four are- Faizeen, Faisnat's son; Jiya, Jaireem's daughter; Arav, Arily's son; Roshika, adopted by Robert and Daniel.) Soon the gate opened and the glitter fell and all the children jumped out. 

Children: SURPRISE. 

Vaish: Why this sudden surprise? 

Arhana: Maa, they all got admitted in their dream colleges. 

All of them congratulated the children. 

Abhi: But, the party should be from our side no? 

Abhinav: But now we have kept it, so let it be. 

Sid: Ok then, we have some gifts for you all, close your eyes. 

They all did as said and were soon given their gifts which they all loved and hugged their parents. 

Arhana: I know my college is finished but don't forget me. 

She said and joined Abhinavi and Abhinav in the hug. 

Fais: Ok now its late, you all should go to sleep. I know you all won't sleep but go to your room. 

They all went to the room. They call it the kids room, all the children always be there together on such occasions.  They had taken a bigger house where all live together, each couple has a room and other than that in a room two children.

Jai: We have come so far. 

Avu: Really we have, now our children will be going to college. 

Jaan: At our earlier days whatever we did, all are beautiful memories now, good or bad. 

Dan: We all questioned ourselves during tough times, is it necessary for everyone to suffer?  

Robert: But the sufferings made us better and stronger, gave us many memories and new people who we call our loved ones. 

Ari: We all came from two-three two-three grouped pairs to form a huge group. 

Lucky: With our children now a part of our big family.  

Reem: The courage we showed and moved on from the problems was worth it. These problems will never end, but now we are all happy and together, what else do we all want? 

All smiled. 

Vaish: And our experiences are the learnings for our children. 

Abhi: They all have waited long enough, now lets go in before they come out wondering if we left. 

They all went to the room the kids were in. 

Jiya: We thought you all left. 

Jaan: We didn't though and....

She was cut off by a pillow hitting her which Roshika had thrown. 

Rosh: Sorry, it was by mistake. 

Jaan: But this won't be by mistake. 

She said and threw the pillow back at Rosh and chuckled.  Then they all enjoyed together. After sometime all were going to sleep when. 

Faizeen: We all wanted to ask something. 

The elders looked at them questioningly. 

Arav: Can we all live in the college dorms? The colleges are quite far. We'll return home every weekend. 

The elders looked at each other. 

Avu: Yes, you all can. But take care of yourselves. 

Avarth: We will. 

Sana: Yeah. 

All the children agreed. 

Arhana: I should sleep now, tomorrow I have to go to work. Good night everyone. 

All wished each other goodnight and went to their rooms to sleep except children who were sleeping there itself.


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So this was the last chapter & epilogue. This story ends here. And, I'll be posting few bonus chapters. But before that I want to know what did you all understand is the past of every person. And also do comment any question you have from the story, or something I missed out, all that will be included in these bonus chapters. I'll try including couple moments.

Thank you for the love and support you all gave and I hope for the same in my future books. Another book on the way, will be out after few days.

Thank you.


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