Part 6

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Robert: Ok, don't eat now, but later you'll have to eat it.

Abhi rolled his eyes.

Robert: Sir?

Abhi: Ok fine.

Robert: Hmm. Sid, he is your brother right?

Abhi's head snapped in his direction. He turned back to Arhana before answering.

Abhi: No. I don't have any siblings.

Robert: Oh, so its all a co-incidence. You both looking so much similar. You both being Nigam. Your eyes watering on the same moment as you seeing him. Him looking at you like he knows you but is unsure. You not speaking in front of him so that he doesn't hear your voice. All these were just co-incidences right?

Abhi: Robert.

Robert: I just want to know the reason, nothing else.

Abhi: There is a reason I suddenly left him. And I don't want to come in front of him again. Its better for both of us.

Robert: How can it be better for you? I've seen the pain in your eyes.

Abhi glared him and was about to say something when he noticed Robert has zoned out, again. He shook him.

Abhi: Why do you keep zoning out?

Robert just shrugged, he couldn't tell Abhi that he was admiring his 'crush'. Then both got back to work. Around half an hour passed by then Robert turned to Abhi to ask him about lunch.

Robert: Are you having your lunch now?

Abhi hummed. Robert got his food and gave it to him. Abhi raised his hand when Robert held it.

Abhi: What happened?

Robert: Its bleeding badly. Show me your other hand.

Abhi: Its fine. Leave it.

Robert: Show me your other hand.

Abhi: Why do you keep ordering me around?

He asked while raising his other hand as well, which Robert checked to find it bleeding as well.

Robert: How did you get so much hurt?

Abhi stayed silent making him sigh.

Robert: I'll get a bandage. And don't you dare start working again. I don't know how were you even working with your hands hurt so much.

Robert went to get a bandage. After sometime he returned to find Arhana jumping.

Robert: Aru, why are you jumping?

Arhana: I asked papa if I can meet chachu, he said yes.

Robert looked at Abhi confused.

Abhi: Sid looked genuinely happy after so long, if she makes him so happy, then I want them to meet more. I very well know how me leaving must have affected him. 

Robert: Hmm. Has he ever fallen in love? 

Abhi: Yes, the feelings are mutual from the girl's side. 

Robert: Then where is she?

Abhi's smile faded. Robert understood this topic will disturb him even if he answers and changed the topic.

Robert: I will bandage your hands. When will Aru go to meet him?

Abhi: 5 minutes before the office time ends.

Robert: Ok.

He bandaged Abhi's hand, but wasn't able to understand why didn't Abhi wince even once when he applied the antiseptic and had pressed harder by mistake once.

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