Intro to the lives of the leads- 2

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In a police station, two officers are talking: 

O1: Did you find out anything about that girl? 

O2: No, its just her name which we know. Jannat Zubair Rehmani. 

O1: We'll have to do something, its the second time she was arrested then the person who we think as victim comes and takes her out after few hours. 

O3: Maybe she has connection with one of the prisoners. 

O2: He is right. Lets collect all of them and question them. 

The questioning was done. None of them seemed to know her. All prisoners were there except one, Faisal. They were very much sure that she can't be related to him, if only they knew. 

O2: Maybe she is in some danger so finds police station as safe place. 

O1: We tried enquiring her about it, but she never opens her mouth. 

Meanwhile Fais was sitting in the corner of the prison. There was only one large cell here for all the prisoners, which Jaan took advantage of. She had tried talking to him twice, trying to get any clue of what happened. But every word he said made it look like he is guilty, but she is not able to believe it, she saw the innocence in his eyes. But then she finally got a clue after meeting him twice. She was in her room writing down all the points in a huge sheet she had formed by joining many. She wrote all the links she formed and everything in it. After sometime she folded it and went to sleep as it was late. 

Somewhere else: 

A girl was sitting on the terrace gazing at the moon with a photo and a box beside her. She held a necklace in her hand. Tears were rolling down her cheek. 

Girl: Why did you leave Arhaan? Why did you give your life for the girl who was just playing with your feelings? 

A boy came there and sat beside her, which wrapping his hand around her shoulders. 

Girl: Lucky, Arhaan left without thinking of the people who loved him. His family, me and you. And for whom? A girl who was just playing with his feelings. 

Lucky: Calm down Ari. It's not like that. 

Ari: Then how is it? For Avneet none of this mattered. She ran away the very next day of Arhaan's death. Later she called Jai also here. She trapped Arhaan making him think she loves him, when she didn't. He loved her so much and she didn't think once before breaking his heart, leading him to suicide. And yet he asked her to give me these precious gifts of his, this necklace and these anklets, the most important memories of him. A symbol he had of his grandparents. 

He hugged her tightly as she cried. After sometime she calmed down. 

Lucky: Ari, I don't thinking Avi would ever do all this. 

Ari: I don't understand, why do you always take her side? She ran away again from all of us like a coward. 

Lucky: What if she didn't run away but is in some danger? I miss her very much and am worried about her. And about taking sides then I'm not doing that, I just feel Avu can't do this. And I must have never met my brother, but in his diary he always mentioned Avu, but he never wrote about loving her. He wrote of her like a best friend, that's it. 

Ari: Then give me one reason, why would he give his life? Did he ever write about being in danger? No he didn't. 

Lucky: But Ari... 

Ari: Ok leave his diary. Why did she come to Mumbai the very next day without saying anyone? And one person can have misunderstanding, not 8-10 people, all saw that Arhaan loved Avneet. And she herself confessed everything to me. 

Lucky: Ok listen, Avneet was in Chandigarh for around 1 month of his death. At that time I was also in Chandigarh and we were in the same train. And the platform the train picked them from, its where you lived. 

Arishfa was left speechless. Where was Avneet for that one month then? If she would have run away, she wouldn't be living in that area itself. 

Lucky: And in his diary he had once mentioned about confessing his love to Avneet, but the love was for you. Avneet had been very happy that he was her jiju that day. There was no need for him to lie about that in his diary. 

Ari was confused badly on what is the truth and what is not. 

Ari: I just don't know, leave it. My head is aching with this. I'm going home. 

They both went to their homes. Meanwhile with Avneet, she was fighting with a boy. 

Boy: What kind of girl are you? 

Avu: The type which is way too far from your understanding. 

He rolled his eyes. 

Boy: No wonder your husband was also abusive. 

She was about to punch him again but he held her hand. 


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Excited for the chapter?

Who was the person who threatened Reem?

Why did Avu say Ari that she led Arhaan to suicide?

How will Avu escape from this boy?

Will Jaan be able to find the truth of  the case and free Fais?

Stay tuned

Meet you all in the next chapter. 

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