Secret Relationship

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“Why did he wink at you?”

I look over at Shino who is looking at me confused. “I-I don’t know! He’s Jack. He’s a weirdo,” I say walking away. I hear everyone say goodbye to me as I walk away.

After I walk a couple more feet, I feel myself being pulled to the side. I look up and see Jack pinning me to the tall hedge behind me. “Hi,” He says flirtingly.

I feel my cheeks getting hotter. “H-hi.”

He leans down and kisses me. I instantly pull away from him. “Jack! We can’t do this in public,” I whisper to him.

“Why not?”

I look at him like he’s dumb. “What if they walk this way and see us like this?”

He leans around the edge. “Doesn’t look like they will.”

I peek around the edge and see them walking the complete opposite way from us, casually talking.

I feel Jack grab my chin and pull me back. “Now, where were we?” He asks, smirking. He pulls me back into him, connecting our lips. We stay like that for another 15 minutes.

Time skip: Next day…

Jack POV:

I wave to my friends as they walk off to head to their next class. I continue walking down the empty school halls before I see Blake at her locker. She’s taking things out of her locker and putting them into her bookbag and vice versa.

I smile as I walk up behind her and tap her shoulder. She looks behind her with a pissed off look before smiling when she realizes it’s just me. “Oh hey, Jack.”

“Hey. Are you okay? You looked pissed.”

“Yeah, just having a bad day.”

“Is it stress?” She hums and nods.

“You know, I could take care of it for you. You know, since I’m vice president.”

“I know, I just don’t wanna put all of this pressure on you.”

“Aww, baby, come here.”

She wraps her arms around my shoulders and I wrap my arms around her waist as we lean against her locker. Abruptly, we hear footsteps heading our way.

We both separate and look down the hall. “Oh god, what do we do?” I ask.

She thinks for a second before whispering an apology. She pushes me into the middle of the hallway. She walks up to me and smacks my books out of my hands and onto the ground. “Hey!”

“Hey, yourself!” She yells back. “Watch where you’re going.”

I realize what she’s trying to do and quickly improvise. “Watch where I’m going? You’re the one who bumped into me!”

“Well, how was I supposed to know you were walking my way?”

“Um, look both ways?” I hear the footsteps getting closer and louder.

“Why were you even walking that close to my locker anyways?”

“I didn’t think anybody was there!”

“So you just thought someone left their locker wide open?”

“Yeah! Do you know how many idiots leave their locker open?” I say as I hear footsteps shuffling behind me. “Are you calling me an idiot?!”

“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not.”

The footsteps eventually fade away. We both sigh in relief as we see the students are now gone. I walk up to Blake and kiss her forehead. “I’m sorry for calling you an idiot.”

“It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it.”

“Hmm…I mean, sometimes you do act like an idiot.”

She punches my arm. “Ow!”

We both chuckle as I hold my arm. “I’m not an idiot!”

“You’re right.” I grab her waist and pull her closer. “You’re the best thing that came into my life.”

Her cheeks quickly turn beet red and she covers her face with her hands. I chuckle and kiss the back of her hands.

Time skip: During lunch…

Jack POV:

Blake and I run through the halls. We snuck out during lunch so we could spend some time together. She pulls me into a janitor’s closet and closes the door. I pull her to the back of the room and grab her waist. Our lips smash together. She pushes me against the shelves.

We separate and take a moment to breathe. A minute goes by before Blake pulls me into her and our lips connect again.

I hear soft footsteps walking outside of the door but we both ignore them.

Suddenly, the door opens and a small beam of lights cuts into the room. We both separate and look at the door to see Shino standing there with his mouth gaped open. Blake and I stand there frozen, still holding each other.

After a moment, Shino speaks. “I..wasn’t expecting this…but I’m not judging.”

I feel glad he isn’t judging us but it’s still awkward. “I’mma go and I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”

He slowly closes the door. Blake and I look at each other and smile. The door flashes open again and Shino takes a picture of us before quickly closing it. Blake and I both laugh.

We continue to kiss afterwards, knowing our secret is safe until we’re ready.

Word Count: 1401

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