chapter 15

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Chapter 15 

Yibo's POV

I was left dumbfounded and just stared blankly in the direction Nanny Lin and Mr. Lee went while carrying the unconscious Zhan. I was so shocked to see the blood on his pants. I remained still and frozen to where I am standing. I was still shocked and couldn't move. 

Did I go too far? Did I hurt him that much? Or is he just pretending that he was hurt and scared so that Nanny Lin and Mr. Lee will help him get out of the garage. But I saw that there was blood in his pants. And I didn’t even put too much strength when I dropped him on the ground so I don’t think he’ll get hurt and injured because of that. I was still spacing out but then my phone rang making me snap back to my senses. 

 I answered the call, when I saw the caller's name, “Hello mama?”

I almost threw my phone because of my mom's shrieking voice. It almost broke my eardrums. 

“You-mother-fucking-Wang-Yibo! Where the hell are now, huh? Don't tell me you're there in that bitch's house?!" Mama spat out angrily.

"Stop calling her like that, Emily didn't do anything wrong. It was all Zhan's fault not her.” I defended Emily. 

“Damn you Yibo, are you really blaming Zhan for this? Come and get your fuckin' ass here at the hospital where your wife is admitted.” She ordered me but instead of answering correctly, I made mama even angrier.

“And why would I even go there? He's no longer my wife. He already signed our divorce." 

What I said made my mom rage in anger. She’s swearing and cursing me over the phone. Guess she had enough of my stubbornness. 

“Are you really an asshole? Don't test my patience, Wang Yibo. If you don't want me to make that woman suffer and be humiliated in the whole world.” She stated in a threatening way.

I know mama isn't joking once she says something, she'll really do it. And I can’t let her do that to Emily. 

I quickly ran out of the garage and went to my car. The hospital where they brought Zhan wasn’t that far from here. It was only a 10 minutes drive and I already reached the hospital. 

I don’t know how Mama found out that Zhan was brought to the hospital. But I don't care if they believe Zhan's lies. He’ll make them believe he's the victim here again. And at the end of the day they’ll think  Emily and I will be the bad guys.

I was at the hospital lobby when I saw Jiyang. Yes, I knew him because he was Zhan's long time friend. He was talking to a nurse, I don’t have a plan on talking to him but he noticed and approached me. 

"Look who's here? I know you were just forced to come here. Don't worry this will be the last time you'll see Zhan. So, if I were you,I'd say everything that you've been keeping this entire time. Whether it’s good or bad. Just go ahead.”

“Don't worry, I already said what I want to say to him. And can you just mind your own business?  Doctor Jiyang, this is between me and my wife. Stay out of this.” I replied irritably.

Jiyang laughed sarcastically  while waving his hand at me, "What did you say? It's between you and your wife?! Fuck you! He's no longer your wife. And besides, he had never even become your wife.”

"Shut up! He started all this. If he didn't force himself on me maybe he was happy too. But what? He forced himself to my life and even forced my parents…” I wanted to say some more but I didn’t get the chance. I suddenly felt Jiyang’s fist landed on my face.


“You fucking bastard! Zhan didn’t force  himself on you. Your family were the ones who insisted on your marriage! And you! The so-called CEO but you’re an idiot. I don’t even know where the hell your brain flew. Or you're just turning blind eyes. Do you even know how much I've been wanting to do this to you for a long time. But I can't do it because of Zhan. But now that you and Zhan are over, I've let you have a taste with my fist on you." I caress my face where Jiyang’s fist landed. He seems really angry.

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