chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

Xiao Zhan booked everything for their vacation. Everything was already settled and their flight will be in a few days. He was too busy preparing for everything. 

But before their scheduled flight, Zhan decided to visit his doctor for a check-up first.

"Good morning, Doctor Song." Zhan greeted his private doctor. 

"Good morning to you too, it's good that you followed your check-up schedule. I’m starting to get worried. You're losing weight deliberately and you looked exhausted too." The doctor commented. 

"I'm a bit busy and tired because of my work. I'm sorry if I often canceled my check-ups." Zhan looked down. 

“I already have the results from your laboratory. Your hemoglobin is a bit low and that indicates that you’re  anemic, fortunately it’s not severe yet. I suggest you take your medicines and vitamins. I will prescribe you vitamins, you look really pale.” Zhan’s doctor reprimanded him.

"Don't worry this time I will take your advice. So you won’t have to worry anymore.” He smiled. 

"Well that’s good then.” Doctor Song sighs. “I'm not just your private doctor Zhan, but I'm also your friend.” He then added, sounding worried. 

"I'm sorry if I always refuse and cancel the check-ups. It's just that I felt  like I don't need it anymore. I know I'm healthy, but lately I easily get tired. Well maybe because I had anemia." Zhan said sadly. 

"Zhan, that's why you should take your medicine and some vitamins too, okay? So you have the strength to fight back with Yibo. So that you won't regret that you didn't fight  because you became weak. Please! Take care of yourself.” Doctor Song worriedly said. 

"I only have one regret. And that’s letting Yibo be fooled and deceived by Emily. And now here I am… letting myself get hurt.  I'm the one who turns out bad—*sob*—no matter what I say to Yibo, he would still believe that woman." Zhan cried. 

Doctor Song approaches him and comforts him, "Whatever decision you make… I am here for you." Jiyang pat his back 

"Thank you so much, I really need a friend who I can count on."

“Just call me anytime I promise you I will help… no matter what.” Jiyang hugged him.

After checking up, Zhan bought all his doctor's prescriptions and went home. He needs to go home as early as he can. He still needs to pack  for his vacation with Yibo on Jeju Island. 

Zhan was hoping that this vacation would change Yibo’s heart and hopefully he would realize that only Zhan truly loved him and cared for him. But if Yibo still won't change,  at least he had good memories with Yibo. Memories that he can go back with.

When Zhan arrived at their house, he didn't notice that nanny Lin was in the living room waiting for him.

“Oh, Zhan, where have you been?” nanny Lin asked after greeting him.

"I went for a check-up earlier”, he replied.

"Huh? Why are you sick?” Nanny Lin asked, placing her hand on Zhan’s forehead.

"Hehehe… I'm not really sick. It’s just my monthly check-up Nanny Lin.” He smiled. “I’ll be upstairs. I have to pack my things.”

"Okay, I'll just call you after I’m  done cooking." 

Zhan went to his room and Nanny Lin went to the kitchen.

Meanwhile at Yibo's office, he was so busy with his paperwork. He didn't even notice his friend Bowen. The latter slowly entered and sat down in front of Yibo's desk. 

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