chapter 9

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Chapter 9 

Zhan’s POV

I dropped by first at the convenience store near Cheng's apartment and bought a lot of drinks. About 10 bottles of alcoholic drinks. 

"Sir, all of this?" The cashier asked me in shock. 

"Yes!" I replied then smiled.

"It's a lot sir, are you going to drink all these on your own?”  the cashier asked me again after seeing how many I had bought. 

"Nope! I'm with my friends.”

I immediately took all the drinks that I bought after the cashier handed it to me and left. 

Though if I really wanted it, I can really drink all of it. But I’m not a stingy person. I prefer to share it with my friends.


I arrived at Cheng’s apartment in just a few minutes. 


"Coming!" I heard Cheng shout before the door swung open.

I showed him the plastic bag that I’m  carrying, “I’m here!” I exclaimed. 

“Come inside! Everyone is here.” Cheng opened the door wider for me. 

"Welcome Zhan-Zhan.” Yanli said as they greeted me all at the door and helped me with the drinks.

"Thank you so much for coming and sorry if I’m being a disturbance.” I said almost in tears.

"Don’t say that. What’s the point of us being your friends if we can’t  be here for you.” Cheng said while patting my shoulder. 

The rest  came to me and hugged me tightly. I couldn't stop myself and just sobbed in their embrace.

Their hugs keep me moving. Their concern keeps me standing.. 

They're one of my strengths, since Yibo and I got married they've been my second family here in Beijing. 

"It’s alright… we’re here. You can let it all out… we’re just here for you—Oh, and this! I brought you dumplings.” Yanli suddenly broke the hug and showed me the dumplings she brought.

"That's a lot." I laughed  and  wiped away my tears. 

"Why? Do you think you’re the only one who eats dumplings here?” Cheng butt in and rolled his eyes.

"Of course not. Cheng, I know you like dumplings too, so let's just share." We both laughed at what I said. I feel a little better because they make me happy. 

"Oh! Then, let’s get started! It looks like we've got a lot to talk about over drinks.” Yanli said and started to take out all the drinks that were still in the plastic bag. 

"Zhan we're just here, we'll be with you till the end" Ji Li said while rubbing his palm on my back. 

"Tsk! Look at how proud you are when you’re the first one who’s gonna get drunk and get wasted.” Cheng butted in, complaining about Ji Li. 

"I'm so thankful that I have friends like you guys. I love you guys." I voiced out emotionally. 

They started to prepare our drinks. They also prepared a bowl with lots of ice cubes and some side dishes that’ll go well with the drinks. We were sitting on the carpeted floor  and our table was the center table in Cheng's living room. 

The truth is  I'm not actually  good at drinking. I also get drunk quickly. But this time I really want to finish all the drinks that I bought as I just want to forget the argument with Yibo for at least one night.

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