chapter 11 ( the vacation)

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Chapter 11 

Zhan and Yibo's vacation has arrived. Yibo was the first one to come down.  He also put all their luggage in the back of the car. 

Nanny Lin and Mr. Lee who saw it was surprised by Yibo's actions but they just let him be. And they don’t  have a slightest idea of what Zhan and Yibo talked about. So the two really thought that it was just a simple vacation for the couple. 

"It's good that they thought of taking a vacation together so that they can relax together. But aren't you wondering why they had a sudden vacation?" Mr. Lee confusedly asked. 

"What are you saying, Mr. Lee? Don't be a bummer. In fact, we should be happy that the couple would go on a vacation together." 

Nanny Lin was so happy seeing her two masters leaving for a week. She is hoping that this vacation can bring them closer and have wonderful memories. 

Mr. Lee drives them to the airport. Zhan was quiet the entire drive. He felt so nervous and excited at the same time. Even though he knew that Yibo was just forced to come with him just for the sake of the divorce. 

After 10 minutes they arrived at the airport. Mr. Lee helped them unload their luggage from the trunk and bid farewell.

"Be careful on your trip and vacation in Korea. Make the most of this vacation. Don't worry about Lin and me." Mr. Lee’s happy reminder to the two. 

“Thank you Mr. Lee. And since we’ll be gone for a week you can have your vacation too. You can go home to your families." Yibo said. 

"That's what Lin and I will do so that that one doesn't get bored while you're gone. Okay! Then I’ll take my leave.” Mr. Lee bowed again and  got in the car and left.

When Mr. Lee was gone, Yibo and Zhan checked in immediately and just waited for the announcement that they could board the plane. They were just sitting in the waiting area as they still had 20 minutes before boarding the plane.

While they were waiting for their flight, Yibo was busy on his phone, canceling their booking in Jeju Island  and booking a hotel in Hongdae without Zhan knowing. Zhan wasn’t aware that he changed all the plans.

"Flight for Korea 85105. Please proceed to the entrance.” They heard their flight number, so they immediately went to the entrance for the plane they’re going to board. 

Zhan walks behind Yibo. He knows how Yibo hates it when he walks beside him. But to Zhan's surprise Yibo grabs his hand.  "You're walking too slow, come here." 

"Huh…? But…” Zhan stuttered.

"You said I should treat you well so here I am. I will treat you well so that you won’t say that I didn't fulfill our deal." Yibo started walking again towards the entrance. 

Zhan followed Yibo to the entrance with a heavy heart. When they got on board, one of the attendants guided them to their seats. As usual Zhan booked a separate seat for them, but he got surprised when the flight attendant guided them to the VIP seats. 

"Wait, my seat isn't here. I booked a business class seat.” Xiao Zhan utters confusedly. Yibo holds Zhan's waist to stop him, "I changed everything. I upgraded it to VIP class," he then explains to Zhan. 

"We're on a vacation as a couple, so stop complaining." Yibo added and slowly pushed Xiao Zhan to their designated seats. 

Zhan and Yibo shared one cabin since they upgraded it to VIP. Zhan couldn't believe that Yibo really changed the one that he booked. After a minute a flight attendant approached them. 

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