Chapter 12 | Newcomers

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An abrupt loud knock on the doorway wakes Jungkook from his heavy slumber. Realizing that he's holding onto the small blonde in his arms, he pulls away quickly and clears his throat when he realizes someone is standing in the entryway.

"W-what's up?" the brunette asks, sitting up in the bed and rubbing at his eyes to see Hoseok standing there with his arms folded over his chest.

Disregarding the fact that the leader was taking a cuddlesome nap with Jimin, he begins to spill out important news. "So, we have some guests... as in two men outside the gates begging to be let inside," Hoseok reveals, chewing on his lip. "They're in pretty rough shape and need a place to stay."

Jungkook shakes his head at Hoseok instantly. The leader thinks that letting strangers into the camp at this current moment in time wouldn't be the brightest idea considering the escaped convicts are probably in search of this place after finding out one of their own was killed gruesomely in the woods.

"What's going on?" Jimin asks sleepily, sitting up in the bed beside Jungkook. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything's fine. We just have a couple guys outside the gates who want in," Hoseok answers, rubbing his arms awkwardly as the two men peer at him from the bed. "So you don't think it's a good idea to let them in, Jeon?"

Jimin turns his head to face Jungkook who's shaking his head again. He frowns at the leader's response, remembering what it was like out there before he was taken to the camp. It was a literal hell on earth, and his heart breaks at the fact that there could be two innocent men outside who need their help.

"They could be part of the criminals just trying to infiltrate camp," Jungkook concludes sternly without wavering. "Letting them in could be calling on a possible blood bath."

"And what if they're normal people just like you and I?" Jimin questions with an eyebrow raised. Jungkook pushes his lips together and shrugs. "Are you just gonna let innocent people suffer because of some slim chance? Koo, that's nonsensical and actually kind of selfish."

"Wow, that one's got some bite to him," Hoseok hisses, his eyes growing wide at the blonde's sudden mission to counter Jungkook's choice.

Jungkook stares at the wall, not daring to make eye contact with anyone in the room as he takes a moment to himself to think his options over. He can't help but picture the worst, the two men easily making their way into camp to take supplies and possibly even lives.

"You can't start making assumptions about them when you haven't even met them. How about we go talk to them? Do you feel okay enough to do that?" Jimin asks in a sweet timbre, running his hand lightly along Jungkook's back at an attempt to calm his nerves.

"Y-yes, we can do that."

Hoseok and Jimin help the currently weakened leader out of the bed with caution. Jungkook grips onto Jimin as they follow Hoseok outside to the gate's closed entryway. They take the man-made steps up to the top of the gate where they can see over them in order to meet the two strangers.

Jungkook peers down at them, feeling a small inkling of empathy as he takes in their poor condition. One of the men is on his knees practically crying as he begs them to open the gates, but the latter has his arms folded and a scowl is plastered across his small face.

"Please, just open the gates. We're good people, I promise," the one on his knees begs with sincerity dripping off of each word.

His dark thick textured hair his tussled messily on top of his head and his clothes are rugged with snags and muck, yet he still has a handsome face underneath all of the mess. His skin has a beautiful golden tone and his jawline is sharp and defined. Despite looking unkempt, his looks are still striking.

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