Chapter 11 | Helping him Out

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For the next few days, Jungkook was still bedridden, but he couldn't get any rest as long as his people were still unaware of the situation. That's why he ordered his most trusted people to talk on behalf of him.

He needed his people to know what was happening. After giving it deep thought, he realized Jimin was right. The people deserve to know what's out there because this is their life too.

When Jungkook told his best friend, the doctor, and researcher that he killed the man in the woods, they all told him words similar to Jimin's. They weren't mad at him, and they didn't shame him for what he did. In fact, they complimented the leader on his bravery.

It was a weird world they lived in now, being congratulated for taking someone's life.

"Please, don't go into any state of panic. We will only be strong if we are able to stand together as one. After the last encounter, it is likely that we could be facing some sort of attack soon," Jimin finishes explaining to the crowd of people in front of him, both children and adults. "So we ask that you work diligently for the sake of everyone, and we will work hard to protect you. We are in all of this together, and I believe that we can come out on the winning side if we put our minds together and work hard. Thank you for allowing me to speak on behalf of the leader," Jimin closes with a quick bow.

Hoseok pats Jimin's back a few times as the crowd claps. Of course the people are worried and upset, but they know what they need to do. They've made it this far because most of them have learned how to feel their feelings, but also have learned how to control them.

Jimin is relived that the response from the people is more positive than he imagined, but Hoseok had told him the people would react this way towards him since he helped them with the situation involving Doyun, the corpse and the dying man incident, when it was only his first day at the camp.

The people at the camp cherish the blonde, knowing they can trust him.

The researcher lends Jimin a hand as he steps off of the platform he spoke on. He shakes his head and laughs bitterly, Jimin already feeling he knows what he's about to bring up.

"I still can't believe you withheld information from me— from the researcher! You know it's my job to gather information in situations," Seokjin jests, his wide shoulders moving as he laughs. "What kind of charm did Jeon put on you to have you breaking your own morals for him?"

Jimin grows flustered, darting his eyes to the dirt ground then back up at the tall man with glasses standing in front of him with a cheesy grin. The blonde scrunches his face in disgust in order to put up an act to dissuade. "That man did no such thing as charm me, Seokjin," Jimin replies, trying to hide his slight embarrassment from being confronted about the brunette who Jimin is often thinking about.

"Right, I'll believe it when pigs fly," he laughs once again. "By the way, you can call me Jin. I feel we are friends now, yeah? You're crushing on my boss and all," he jests, picking on Jimin once again.

"Alright, Jin, I didn't know you were such a joker guy," Jimin stresses, rolling his eyes sarcastically. "Get off my ass, would ya?" He pushes the man's shoulder playfully. Jin throws his hands up, backing away from Jimin.

"Alright, I better go work on sone strategic game planning. Go check on Jeon for me. I know you wanna," the suddenly energized researcher teases, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. "Hoseok told us what he saw that night. I am no fool."

Jin turns around and takes off on his own way, not waiting around to be pushed again by Jimin who's cheeks are cherry red by now. Jimin pushes the backs of his cold hands to his heated cheeks and sighs, shaking his head as if to clear his mind before heading to Jungkook's RV.

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