Chapter 3 | Proving Himself

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Jimin flashes worrisome filled brown eyes at Jungkook as his face contorted into a hard expression. He couldn't help but feel worried for the others in the camp even though he hadn't met them yet. Something terrible probably just happened, something they didn't deserve.

"Jimin, go wait in the RV," Jungkook mutters under his breath, pushing Jimin behind him before running off. "Everyone get inside a tent or camper!" he shouts, warning his people. He can't help but feel the need to protect them. It's in his nature to do so.

Jimin stands there still, watching as people scattered into their safe places in fear. He doesn't want to hide away in the RV; he wants to help with whatever chaos is occurring on the other side of camp.

So that's what he does.

Jimin reaches in his pant pocket, thankful that the handy knife is in there. He pulls it out, holding it tightly in his hand before heading after Jungkook.

When the leader approaches the scene, he sighs deeply at the horrifying view in front of him. A dead one was gnawing away at one of his people, but what was even more heart wrenching was the fact that the dead one was once one of his people too. What happened?

"Please, do something!" a voice yells from behind Jungkook. "We're all gonna die!"

Jungkook bites his bottom lip, moving towards the corpse who was feasting. He pulls the man eating creature off of his friend, swinging his axe into the center of its rotting head. His expression is blank as he lets the rotting corpse of someone he once knew hit the ground. He flutters his eyes towards the man on the ground who was bleeding out at an alarming rate, way past the point of saving.

"Oh my god," Jimin mumbles under his breath as he reaches the scene. He sees Jungkook standing over the corpse and the dying man with his blood stained axe. His heart aches.

"Someone get Dr. Kim!" someone screams, alerting the people standing around.

"It's no use," Jungkook comments, sticking his axe back in his belt. Jimin notices his pale face and his glossy eyes, understanding that what happened here really affected the leader.

Jimin approaches Jungkook, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. The two exchange glances without saying a word before Jimin crouches down beside the man who was gasping for his last breaths.

"K-kill me," the man sputters between coughs of thick blood. Jimin's heart twists in a knot as he turns to face the people behind him who were awaiting to see what his next action would be. "I want to die."

Jimin glances at the man then back up at Jungkook for approval. Without words, Jungkook slowly nods his head while fighting back the salty tears forming over his sorrowful doe eyes. He had to stay strong for his people.

Jimin sinks his teeth into his lip as he realizes what he has to do. He brings his knife up to the man's neck, knowing exactly what to do for the man's sake and for the people counting on him. Besides, it's better that Jimin does it since he has not known the man before this like the leader has.

Jimin brought one hand up to the man's hair, gently running his hand through his locks as he began to hum softly. The man's choked breathing began to slow down. "In paradise is where we will find you again," Jimin whispers as he sticks the knife into the man's neck. A single tear rolls down his cheek.

People behind him are on their knees, chocking back sobs. Jungkook still stands, staring blankly at Jimin, the rotting corpse, and the dead man.

Jimin stands, turning from the scene behind him. He faces Jungkook, frowning at his current state. He begins to settle on the idea that this might be the first death that the camp has undergone since settling.

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