Tortured by Sharingan

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The following morning Sasuke woke up early. Today is the day when she will bring forth the judgement. The council elders will get every pain, solitude, fear that they once had caused for Naruto and her own childhood.

Today is the day, the deceased Uchiha clan members will truly get their justice. She took a cold shower and changed into a ankle length black ninja pants of her late brother's. Along with that, she paired it with her father's Haori. Inside the haori she wore one of the ninja shirt of her mother's.

She tied the weapon pouch which belonged to Itachi's on her right thigh. She stood in front of her dresser. Today she really resembled her all family members in one. Her father, mother, brother may not be present physically right now, but she knows it well, they are always watching her. Today she felt their souls resides inside her as she looked up to her determined face in the mirror.

 Today she felt their souls resides inside her as she looked up to her determined face in the mirror

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*A/n: Except the chunin jacket obviously😅.

It was 6 in the morning. She locked her apartment and walked towards Uchiha cemetery. On her way, she brought a floral bouquet from the Yamanaka's shop.

On reaching the cemetery she placed the bouquet on her parent's tombstone after cleaning it. She lighted a bunch of incense sticks and placed them on their designated place.

She kneeled down, joining her palms in silent prayer. The sun took that moment to rise from behind the horizon, giving a touch of life on the grey coloured cemetery.

Shikamaru was on his tracks of his regular morning walks, when he noticed Sasuke indulged in prayers before her clan's tombstone. Naruto have already conveyed the message to his advisor about today. As Sasuke got up on her feet, finishing her prayers, Shikamaru greeted her,

"Ohayo Sasuke"

"Ohayo Shikamaru"

Sasuke approached him. Both of them were now walking together towards the main town of Konoha.

"Don't you think you are just too much early, I bet our idiot Hokage is still snoring peacefully with his otter cap on his head", Shika tried to lighten the mood.

At this Sasuke chuckled a little.
" Well I guess I am a little more excited about today".

"No way, Excited about punishing someone. You are scary, Uchiha".

" You should speak for yourself. How your sharp IQ planned everything beforehand to lay a trap and kill a immortal enemy to avenge Asuma. That was super impressive".

"Huh, how come....oh...I see, Naruto must have told you".

" No, remember I was living in between well skilled spies like Kabuto and Orochimaru himself. When we got the information that Hidan was defeated, Orochimaru just couldn't believe it. Hell I was more shocked when I heard a very lazy ass boy from my class have killed him. That was really a shocking news. Further information about how you defeated him, all of that Naruto told me".

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