The last Akatsuki

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After running out from the inn, Naruto was mad enough. He wasn't even caring about who he was running on. He even didn't care to wait and apologize for a man he unknowingly stomped on. His rage was firing all over. He can't beat the shit out off Kiba, just because listening to that dog breath was Sasuke's own choice. He was literally ordered not to interfere.

He felt so much frustrated. He just needs to pent it out. Running towards the forest to find a suitable object where he can pour out everything enough to calm him.

He was so much in depth in his rage, that he didn't even heard a pleading Hinata running after him, trying to stop him and let listen to her. He was already fucking mad on both of them.

After a quick glance around the forest he found a very thick wood log standing in middle of the ground. He started to ram his fists on the log. The first throw was hard enough to make a dent on the wood. He continued ramming on it without even caring of his bleeding knuckles.

Soon he felt a cold and soft palms gripping his wrists. Without looking up he asked trying to be soft,

"What do you want Hinata?"

Hinata didn't mind to reply the question, but took his wrists in her hands. A green ember light glew from her hands as she tried to heal him.

Naruto snatched away his wrists from her palms and turned away from her.

"Why do you two came here. State your purpose", he asked in a harsh tone.

" Me and Kiba were returning from a mission. That's when Kiba caught the scent of Sasuke's blood nearby. We followed it and rest you know", she answered.

"Why did you attacked her even after sensing my presence there?", he rammed another fist on the log.

" Attack, yes. What do you think we must do at that moment. She have tried to murder you many times. Your presence beside her at that point only terrorized us. We were fucking worried about you. The last thing I want to see is a gaping hole on your chest, just like the last time", Hinata's voice was quivering from fear. Fear from seeing him lose again.

Naruto looked up to her. Palming his other hand over his injured knuckle, he unintentionally shouted in rage,

"WELL, ITS BETWEEN ME AND HER. You better not interfere here", warned Naruto.

" B-but, N-Naruto kun.."

"You better leave soon, Sasuke is injured. I will come back after healing her".

Hinata got a little irritated. How can Naruto be so dumb. Caring for a person who haven't even given a second thought while injuring him. Naruto needs to know, with this she said in a worried voice,

" You are acting selfish now, Naruto kun. You are worried sick about a person for whom you are blind enough as you can't even see what she had done to you. Each time you two fought, she have always left you cold, without even caring if you die. And look at me, I am so pathetic, I can't even make you understand she is toxic for you. I-I love you Naruto kun, I care about you. That's why I can't see you again like that. Please stop pretending to be a nice guy. It hurts me watching you running around mad for Sasuke. Sasuke this , Sasuke that.
Oh god, what have she done to you...I am not listening to you anymore, I am myself handing Sasuke to the officials this ....", Naruto stopped her by catching her wrist in a strong grip.

Hinata looked towards Naruto with tears in her eyes. Naruto was about to say something, when he sensed a malicious presence just behind them. He turned around and instantly recognised that aloe vera like figure.

"Zetsu", Naruto wishpered to no one. While Hinata beside her was quivering on her toes, her byakugan activated as she can feel the maliciousness in the chakra of the figure.

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