She Cares

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Sasuke POV:-

As I woke up, my mind still seems to be very foggy. I remember last time getting sleepy after my emotional breakdown. eyes are open but why I am seeing all dark. That idiot, Naruto, what has he done to me. I tried to move my hands to check on my eyes. Wow, I am restrained. Just great. I shouldn't have believed that idiot.

I don't know, what overpowered me to break my year long maintained stoic mask. I was in emotional turmoil, that idiot's loud voice may had caused a impact on me. Really, Uchiha Sasuke melted on those cheesy words spoken by that shit faced Uzumaki. What the hell was I thinking. Just face it Sasuke, that's what you get in believing someone.

Now god knows where am I, what they have done to me. Oh shit, did they really found out I am a girl. How many of them knows, what will happen now. Will I be treated merely as a breeding machine. I must kill myself before that happens. Do Naruto know. He will protest against it, right.....shut up Uchiha, he is the cause you are here in this mess. Why am I believing him again. I fucking hate him.

I tried to gather chakra to check out my transformation in place, but I couldn't. Now that's a big problem. My clothes seems light on my body. Oh god, what are they doing. What the hell is happening. Where's my sheild. Why does it feels so loosened on my chest. What had they done.
I am not still feeling any pain in my body. That's right, I am still safe. But I am sure they have restrained me by chakra cuffs.

I suddenly heard the door open in a squeak. I started moving frantically. Who is it. What is the purpose. He/she knows. From the approaching footsteps, it seems to be the sound of ladies heels. A woman. But who. I know at this moment, I was shivering from fear and disgust. I am not able to control my body.

The footsteps stopped just near me. I felt a cold hand against my forehead.

"Breath Sasuke",

This voice. Have I heard it before. In Konoha. Who. This strong femine voice. This touch is familiar. Wait touch. After the massacre, only woman after my mother, who touched me like this.

Realization hit me. No way. Tsunade. What is she doing. Why am I restrained. What will happen to me. I felt like crying.

That hand which was previously touching my forehead have now moved to my shoulder. With a firm shake, she said it again but a little frantically,

" I said, breath Sasuke", I released a breath which I don't know I was holding. As soon as I restarted my breathing, my body was involuntarily shaking now. She knows, she knows everything. Who else knows. I frantically started to gather chakra. Even a bit. Forcefully. From wherever possible. Tsunade was saying something in background but my mind was too much clouded from fear. As I tried to forcefully gather chakra, I suddenly felt stinging pain in my chest. My breathing was hurting me.

Just before I harm myself more, I felt a stinging pain on my cheek.

"I said enough".

Was I slapped just now. Enough. I stopped my actions and went limp. I felt warm water drops on my cheeks. Is it raining. I am not hearing any rainy sound. What was that water drop. Everything being dark was pissing me off.

" I said its enough Sasuke, believe me, I will not harm you", that voice was breaking a little. Just like when you are crying. Crying. Was those warm water drops were teardrops. Why is she crying on me. I cannot be silent anymore. Everything was confusing me.

"Why are you crying, you should be happy now right, a criminal is now captured. You can torture me as much as you want. Why am I not killed. Just kill me already", I said weakly. I cannot believe my voice. It came out so soft and a little pitchy. Oh yeah, the transformation will not work. Its my real voice. Such a pathetic condition.

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