48. Child-sleeping Of Jungquack

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Song recommendations : Love Poem - IU

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍷------«•°*・゚:

"Yeonhee, we can't find Jungkook!"


[5 hours and 32 minutes till Jungkook went missing]

It was yet another day for Jungkook just casually sauntering through the café, delivering the things people ordered. Catching a few winks and flirtatious glances randomly thrown his way.

Though it was just a onset of summer, the spring rain was at it's finest. Droplets cascaded down the windows, racing against each other and he had no other job than just place his head on the counter and stare at the drops, wondering which drop will win.

The café was not necessarily deserted, there were still a considerable amount of people coming to the café with their umbrellas lined up on the stand nearby outside.

Looking outside, his eyes wandered off to the grey blanket covering the city and he couldn't help but get the intuition that something is gonna happen today, either good or bad.

__ __

Yeonhee sipped her tea, the steam condensing on her philtrum as she wiped them off every time. The whole office was gloomy, the rain droplets drummed against the roof, signalling that it wasn't going to end anytime soon.

Jin was long gone to God knows where and her friend hadn't come to work today. To say, she felt lonely.

Not even the memes and pictures on her laptop entertained her anymore and she didn't knew if it was because of the weather or just her dull mood of not having her phone with her.

Maybe it's the both.

[4 hours and 12 minutes till Jungkook went missing]

Another hour passed by, and Jungkook was still sort of free. He didn't had to move much but just lie down on the counter bored out of his mind.

Looking out for his manager, he took out the phone from his pocket and when he switched it on, he wasn't surprised when he saw Yong Goo as the wallpaper.

Oh, I might've picked the wrong phone.

He thought to himself as he turned the thing around forth and back. His ebony-coloured hair swaying side to side as he moved.

"Well this should be interesting." He muttered to himself in the desolate café just in time the bell tinged.

He got up abruptly plastering a smile on his features as his eyes glanced at the time.

3:08 PM

Just in time for the regular customer to come but this time, he didn't.

__ __

"Where did you die?" Yeonhee retorted once Jin came back. His hair was dishevled and his face had slight dent marks al over. She gripped the table tightly seeing the bizzare thing but she didn't mention it.

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