33. 'Growing Up' Part 2

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After Jungkook and Taehyung got some sets of clothes, deliberately choosing the ones with skulls, they finally headed out of the store.

Jungkook was still amazed how Taehyung managed to pay for all of the clothes even though his Noona said that he was jobless. This made Jungkook thinking that he also wanted to work. He doesn't want to be a burden on his Noona.

"What are you thinking about?"

Jungkook quickly shook his head, "Nothing!"

Taehyung shrugged and as they were walking, his gaze fell onto a hair salon. He smirked and looked back. Jungkook was dragging all the bags and the coconut-hairdo was sort of suiting him considering his soft and naïve personality. But Taehyung didn't think that. He thought that the coconut hair was making him look soft and caused everyone to baby him even though he's not a baby, anymore.

He had thought that a different hairstyle, preferably, with his forehead showing will make him look buff and strong. He even had such body without even doing anything!

"What colour do you like?" He asked.



"I'm talking about hair colour."

"O-Oh, umm, I guess...purple or brown is better?"

"Why purple?"

"I dunno I thought it'll look cool."

"Purple it is." Taehyung hopped into the store with Jungkook trudging behind.

Jungkook was sitting straight and so stiff that even the stylist was having difficulty even touching his hair. He always felt shy whenever someone touched his hair except for his Noona, she can touch it but others can't.

"Relax lad, she's not gonna kill you." Even the stylist flinched at Taehyung's choice of words.

Jungkook exhaled heavily and sunk in his seat, allowing the stylist to do her job. He wanted to look good for her, it was his choice so might as well as cope with it.

When water was sprinkled on his hair slicked back, Taehyung's eyes widened in realisation.

Jungkook's hair was pretty long, like he didn't even need extentions as he had a hairstyle in his mind that included long hair. It reached to his ear lobe and some tufts of hair were grazing to his neck. It wasn't noticeable beneath all the fluffy bangs and curly locks.

He signalled the stylist to come to the side, she obeyed and lent her ear for him to whisper. Jungkook was looking forth and back between his face and the duo at the back.

"What are they talking about?" He muttered staring at his reflection and twisting his neck to see the strange things clipped on his head. The prepping part was half done and to Jungkook, it looked the weirdest thing ever.

He kept making funny faces like showing off his double chin, and puffing out his cheeks or sucking them in with a big put on his lips so he looked like a fish. Even the lady standing behind the reception desk lost her cool and fell down cackling.

"Okay! We'll be doing your hair now! Are you excited?" The stylist came back again with a stupid smile on her face. Taehyung followed behind with a proud expression printed on his features.

"Yeah." Honestly, Jungkook was more nervous than excited.

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍼------«•°*・゚: ✧

"There! Awh it looks good on you!" The stylist exclaimed after finishing off her 'masterpiece'. She whistled seeing her work on the pretty boy as she named him to be.

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