1. Momma At A Young Age

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"You're fired."

I flinched. I'm used to these kinds of things so they don't affect me anymore but it does demoralise me a bit. I stood there, my head hung low. I wasn't ashamed of my actions, I was just restraining myself not to curse at him.

He started his speech again about how I should behave with customers but his rules don't go by me. His stupid, stupid rules to just act nonchalant with customers, those that I went through on my first day of working here and good thing I ignored them.

After all, rules are meant to be broken.

Only his blabbering echoed the whole room, I wasn't even interested but I had to take a chance to save this job. I already lost a few and I can't afford to lose it again.

"Am I understood, Ms. Kim?" He asked.

I nodded my head monotonously, too tired to take any of his shits.

Like c'mon it's past my dinnertime, let me go!

But unfortunately, God wasn't was on my side today. He just had to do the thing I was the most afraid of. There was always a chance that the bosses forgive me after a mistake or two and kick me out after it was enough but this one, he didn't go with the crowd.

"I'm too tired to cut you slack every time so I'm firing you from Sweet Enchantment forever and ever.

I swiftly turned my head upwards, " No s-sir, I'll promise I won't do the mistake again!"

A lie, yes.

"Ms. Kim I've heard this excuse last time as well. But this time, it's for real. "

"P-Please sir!"

"Not anymore Ms. Kim" and he stamped my file.

You butterface goblin.

I scoffed mentally and took the file, the red stamp imprinting on my resume. I roamed my fingers on the crisp paper, feeling the smooth texture beneath my fingertips. It was a bad thing on my resume but I had to keep up with it. Doesn't matter how much I curse him, the humongous red stamp always brings me on my edge.

I sighed and closed the file loudly enough to warn him.

A sweet and a sick smile spread on my features and I started pouring out my frustration of the past three months like water.

I wasn't in his authority anymore and last time I checked, we had our right to freedom of speech...unless the person doesn't file charges.

"Listen you pie-eating cockroach, if helping the old lady makes you fire me then so be it! And make sure you know that tainting others will never help you reach the top, and by the way, the coffee that spilled over the young man yesterday was supposed to be you but oops- my bad."

I took the file and headed for the door but not before throwing another insult at him.

"You'll always be a miserably unsightly filcher and a corrupt dandruff-eating offense to all of good taste and decency."

And with that, I closed the door with a loud and dramatic slam.


Another job finding expedition I guess.

I raked my hand through my black hair. The file hanging loosely in my hand.

Temper? It was my way of coping with sadness. I will not let the floodgates open, no matter what, even if it meant raging on others. I wonder if I will even get a partner who tolerates my anger. Possibilities are very low.

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