32. 'Growing Up'

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After I texted Hoseok that I wasn't going to come, I placed the phone on the table and pressed the pillow on my ear so I can get some sleep.

But then my phone decided to ring.

On the other days, I would've had a full-blown concert on my ringtone and then pick it up (after possibly missing the call) but now every note of the tone were digging holes inside my head.

"Argh! Which donkey needed me?!" Groaning, I flailed to the side and picked it up. With a very annoyed and hoarse voice I mumbled a greeting and let it sit on my ear because I was too lazy to hold it.

"Yo Jungkook is with me so don't fret about his wellbeing. Also I'll take him out to shopping with me if that's okay with you."

"You don't have to Taehyung, you are already jobless and I don't want to burden you more."

"Excuse me I'm not jobl-"

"Whatever that sails your boat but I won't allow you to take him out to shopping. And I thought you didn't like Jungkook?"

"We are best friends isn't that right Jungkook?" I heard some shuffling from the other side before a familiar voice squeaked out a 'yes'.

"So you see, Kook's all good with me. Don't be anxious. Consider this as a...as a favour. Just pay me back when you feel like it, I'll do the shopping for you because your fashion taste is in minus, anyway."

Before I could protest the line got cut off, I guess there's no use of being modest. If he's willing to then it's okay. He bestowed the danger upon himself.

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍼------«•°*・゚: ✧

"Let's start with this." Taehyung gestured towards his laptop while Jungkook was sitting on his bed perplexed.

"What's that?"

"A laptop, this is where you'll do your first assignment." Taehyung snickered seeing the clueless expression of the younger.

"And what is that?"


"Taehyung! Where did my boxers go? I told you not to steal them- oh hey Kook." Jimin bursted into the room raging but calmed down seeing Jungkook sitting innocently on the bed.

"Taehyung! Out! Now!" His features became stern again and Taehyung had no other choice but to obey.

Before going out, the elder quickly dashed and typed something on the laptop and then sprinted out to follow Jimin.

"What did you type in the laptop?" Jimin asked with his hands on his waist.

"Just some kid videos to keep him busy." Taehyung waved his hand but from the inside he was running a marathon. He just hoped that Jimin doesn't find out or he'll be the one cooked for dinner today.

"Anyway, did you see my boxers?"

"Weren't they in the laundry?"

"Nope." Jimin answered popping the 'p'.

"Then Yeonhee might've stolen them." He mocked.

"Nah, I think she likes yours better." Jimin chortled holding the nearby object to keep him up straight. Taehyung fell into the ground laughing reminiscing the time when he just moved in the house and his neighbour decided to steal his undies as a 'dare'. He still remembers the pink blush of embarrassment when he caught her and how hard she tried to convince him that it was a dare. Like he would believe it.

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