34. Who Art Thou?

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"Ahh! Such a beautiful day! Yeah! Sun shining in a beautiful way!~" Yeonhee sang as she twirled and spinned in her room like a little fairy she was. Her feet were gliding against the floor giving it less friction and it allowed her to make swift moves. She leapt on her bed and stomped her feet gracefully as if she was tap dancing.

Her headache was now gone, allowing her the freedom she was missing on. She even felt more lightweight now that she was well. Her dainty nose snuggled into her plush teddy bear, the fake yet lush fur tickling her cheeks.

"Why do I feel so happy?!" She swirled on the floor capturing a full panorama of her room in her eyes. Deciding that it was enough fooling around, she got up and opened the door of the room to be met by a musky scent. The smell of old wood and a slight tinge of mint filled the atmosphere, completely colliding with the sweet strawberry taste of her room.

She walked into the living room, her footsteps echoing from wall to wall. The sun was already begining to set and the house was darkening by time. Everything was calm, no racket, no kids running around and no noisy neighbours. The clock kept ticking at it's own pace giving the place an eerie vibe.

Yeonhee never felt so serene before, the daily dose of chaos has grown on her and it felt lonely if she didn't see the face of the person that was on her mind 24/7.


It was a weird feeling just staring at the plain walls of the living room out of boredom. She was never bored before, always running here and there. Taking care of a toddler, now a man. Rushing to her job and keeping her cool in front of everyone.

Speaking of which, she missed a day. Considering how many interns were competing for a single permanent position in the company, even one day of absence can make her fall behind. But she thought that it was reasonable taking account of the office party last night. Most of them would've taken a day off, anyway.

The silence in her house made her realise that how much she missed Jungkook.

✧ :゚・*°•»------🍼------«•°*・゚:

"That's enough I guess." Taehyung slumped into his seat while Jungkook was struggling with the humongous number of bags behind.

"Am I a taxi driver? Come in front!" Taehyung ordered and Jungkook scurried over to the passenger seat.

A sigh escaped from his lips, today was a rough day. His head dangled off to the side, his eyes looking at the whizzing buildings zooming past in a blur. The car took a sharp turn causing his head to doze off in the other way. Taehyung's face was in between the view and his sight.

He wondered why was this man still not tired like he was? They were roaming all of the places together, in fact, Taehyung had more energy and excitement compared to him.

"Whatcha' looking at?" He asked out of sudden.

"Nothing." Jungkook drove his attention off his face and to the road ahead. The cafés were as busy as they always were, people hurrying past to reach home as fast as possible and night life was just begining to come alive. The streetlights began to glow, glimmering more than the white specs in the sky. The orange sun was just about to go to bed, but still shone bright as much as it could before it settled in the blankets of the horizon completely.

"I'm sure Yeonhee will be astonished to see you." Taehyung side glanced at the younger.

Jungkook grew quiet at the mention of his Noona. Call him overreacting, but his heart literally stopped when Taehyung asked that favour from him. At first, he decided to refuse it by saying that he wasn't a romantic person and he still had a bit of childishness left in him but the man was persistent. He held his shoulders with the most saddest pout ever and pleaded him to help him. Jungkook had no other choice but to accept it but why did he feel a pang in his heart?

Baby Or Daddy? (JJK) ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें