God/Evolution Depressed Red Eye/Shu Kurenai x Reader

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

(e/c) eye answered simply yet earnestly.

"But in your case..." She began as she raised her index finger in the air and continued,
"...you are the strongest when you're with your friends."

Red Eye's face displayed a mixed expression of shock and sadness.

"You made a mistake of coming here and then leaving your loyal friends like that. They were all worried sick for you. And if you ask me, Valt is your best friend isn't he? He was the one who came here determined to find you and take you back."

"Just how are you always so right about things?"

"Maybe because what I say comes more from my brain and observations rather than feelings and heart."

"This makes you cold to others."

"I know but I don't care."

Red Eye got up, went to her and took her mask off without her permission.

"Hey!" She growled and tried to get her mask back but Red Eye didn't let her.

He was actually pretty surprised to see how beautiful her (e/c) eyes were. But it wasn't even his fault for staring at her like that, he saw her without mask for the first time.

The girl seemed to take notice of this as she stopped her attempts for taking her mask back.

"Why the hell are you staring at me like that?"

Red Eye snapped out of his staring trance and defended himself,

"I'm not staring at you or anything."

"Don't lie. It was pretty obvious you were looking at my eyes, Shu."

"Can you just stop saying that name?" He hissed in annoyance.

"Why? It's your real name given to you by your parents. It's who you are. Red Eye is just some fake person who can never replace the identity of Shu Kurenai."

She stated as the male just looked down before looking back up and asking,

"If Shu Kurenai is my real identity then what's yours?"

"What's the point of telling you?"

"I'm just curious to know your real name."

(e/c) eye sighed before she replied,

"It's (Y/N) (L/N)."

"That's a pretty name."

"Thanks, I guess?"

"I want you to come with me to Japan."

(Y/N) looked at Shu with a look of disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? I can't just leave like that!"

"Why not? If I can then so can you."

She looked down as she answered,

"You don't understand. You and everyone else here has a choice, you can quit anytime you want to and go back to your families and friends..."

Shu patiently waited for her to continue,

"...I don't have a choice like that because I have no home other than here to go to."

"You can stay with me in my apartment."

"Y'know, we've been spending the last two hours just to try and get you out of here so you can be happy again instead of the depressed state you're in right now?''

"That's the reason why I'm asking you to come with me."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

Shu came closer to her and said softly,

"I don't know about counsellors or therapists much but I do know that having a friend like you always by my side will help me to get better and stronger."

"So, you're saying that when I'm around you, you feel like you're home and feel happy?"

The girl asked raising an eyebrow as she earned a nod from the albino. She sighed,

"If that's what it's like then I'll come with you..."

Shu smiled as he pulled her in a hug, taking her by surprise as this was the first time she got a hug. Awkwardly, she tried to hold on to him too.


She said as Shu listened carefully.

"...you have to promise me that you'll never push me away and always let me help you out in whatever situation you get stuck in. Understand?"

Shu nodded.

"Understood. I'll never push you away. And (Y/N)..."

Shu pulled away as they both made eye contact.

"Thank you for all you've done for me. Especially for being with me in this tough time."

"You're welcome, Shu. And thanks for letting me help you."

4 years later: (i.e. in Sparking/Surge)
At the Raging Bulls, Shu's home:
No one's P.O.V.

Shu was now the Crimson Flame and (Y/N) was (choose whatever name you want to be known as). They both were now world famous blading legends.

Sitting in the living room and cuddled up against each other, the happy couple talked about their lives.

"Thanks (Y/N). Without you, I don't know where I would've been today."

Shu smiled as he kissed her head. She giggled,

"Thanks to you too, Shu. For giving me a family, a great friend circle and a home."
Shu smirked as an idea popped up in his mind as he looked at (Y/N) making her confused.

"What's with the look?" She asked.

"I just thought of extending our family by making our lovely children~"

The girl's face reddened realising what he meant.

"Shut up! We're not married yet!" She said completely flustered as the albino laughed.

"Then let's get engaged this month and married in the next."

"Wha-" The girl was dumbfounded.

Let's just say, Shu really is a unique piece. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And done! I'm sorry if you didn't like it or if this one shot was cringe. I'm also sorry for my terrible grammar. 😞
Anyways vote, comment, share and maybe....follow me too? All the characters belong to Hiro Morita, only the story plot is mine.
Stay safe and have a nice day/noon/evening/night.
Sayonara, bug out.

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